Public Administration Mains 2023 : Solved Paper-1 (Question: 5)

Public Administration Mains 2023 : Solved Paper Question Paper-1 (Question-5)


Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each:

5.(a) The Constitution of French Republic does not prohibit ministers from being the leader of political party; it is customary that minister should not occupy such a post to ensure impartiality." Explain. 20

The Constitution of the French Republic does not prevent the ministers from having political affiliations or opinions, as long as they do not interfere with their official duties or obligations. The ministers can maintain their membership and activities in their parties, as long as they do not use their ministerial position or resources for partisan purposes. The ministers can also participate in the electoral campaigns of their parties, as long as they do not abuse their authority or influence.

Nevertheless, it is customary that ministers should not occupy the post of the leader of a political party, to ensure impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest. This custom is based on the practice of the Fifth Republic, which was established in 1958 by Charles de Gaulle, who aimed to transform the president of the Republic into the protector of the institutions and the arbiter of the political forces. 

De Gaulle wanted to reduce the influence and fragmentation of the political parties, which he blamed for the instability and inefficiency of the previous regimes. De Gaulle also wanted to strengthen the executive power and the role of the government, which he considered as the main instrument of the national interest and the common good.

(b) The ultimate goal of using Management Information System (MIS) is to increase values and productivity in organizations. Explain. 10


(c) "Cost-benefit analysis is of great help to the policy makers in framing policies and providing advice on developing public policy." Examine. 10


(d) "Monetary policy and fiscal policy are different; but both are used to regulate/economy.” Discuss. 10


(e) "Instead of conflicting, the employer-employee relationship should be one of mutual reliance. "Explain. 10

The employer-employee relationship can have a significant impact on the performance, satisfaction, and loyalty of both parties. Instead of conflicting, the employer-employee relationship should be one of mutual reliance, which means that both the employer and the employee depend on each other for achieving their goals and interests.

Some of the reasons why the employer-employee relationship should be one of mutual reliance are:

•  Mutual reliance can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery, by allowing the employer and the employee to cooperate and coordinate their efforts, and by utilizing their skills and resources in an optimal way.

•  Mutual reliance can reduce the workload and burden of the employer and the employee, by delegating the tasks and responsibilities according to their abilities and preferences, and by supporting each other in times of difficulty or crisis.

•  Mutual reliance can improve the quality and responsiveness of public services, by setting clear and measurable standards and targets, and by monitoring and reviewing the service outcomes and customer satisfaction.

•  Mutual reliance can increase the access and affordability of public services, by offering different modes and channels of service delivery, and by providing subsidies or guarantees to the users.

•  Mutual reliance can foster the collaboration and cooperation between the employer and the employee, and between the organization and the external partners and stakeholders, by creating a mutual and reciprocal relationship, and by involving them in the decision-making and problem-solving processes.

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