Public Administration Mains 2023 : Solved Paper-2 (Question: 7)

Public Administration Mains 2023 : Solved Paper Question Paper-2 (Question-7)

Section B

  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Public Administration (Paper-II)
  • Year : 2023
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hoursa

7.(a) Accountability of the Executive to the Parliament in the domain of financial administration is secured through CAG reports. Discuss. 20

The Executive is the branch of the government that is responsible for the implementation and execution of the policies and programs of the government, and for the management and expenditure of the public funds. 

The Parliament is the branch of the government that is responsible for the enactment and oversight of the laws and policies of the government, and for the approval and scrutiny of the public funds.

The accountability of the Executive to the Parliament in the domain of financial administration is secured through CAG reports, which are the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), who is the constitutional authority that audits and reports on the accounts and finances of the Union and State governments, and their departments and agencies.

The CAG reports help in securing the accountability of the Executive to the Parliament in the following ways:

•  It provide an independent and objective assessment of the financial performance and compliance of the Executive, and highlight the instances of irregularities, inefficiencies, wastages, or frauds in the use of public money.

•  It enable the Parliament to exercise its financial control and oversight over the Executive, and to examine and question the Executive on the basis of the CAG reports, through its committees, such as the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU).

•  It foster a culture of transparency and accountability in the financial administration of the Executive, and encourage the Executive to take corrective and preventive measures to improve its financial management and governance.

(b) The government response to the Supreme Court's judgement on Police Reforms has been lackadaisical. The reasons are multiple and multidimensional. Discuss. 20


(c) Disasters can push the world's poorest deeper into poverty. Do you think that a comprehensive strategy to deal with such vulnerabilities is required? 10


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