(Sample Material) Gist of IIPA Journal: Value based Capacity Building Through E-Administration Sangeeta Sharma
(Sample Material) Gist of Important Articles from IIPA Journal
Topic: Value based Capacity Building Through E-Administration Sangeeta Sharma
The main thrust of this aiticle is to analyse normatively how the PPP can become instrumental in inculcating values based on ethics thereby facilitating the organisations to increase capacity of people in the constructive manner. A ‘man’ with positive frame of mind is not only proficient in his work but is also productive-for the society at large. This has been viewed from the ecological perspective to understand entire process of socio-ethical engineering. The public institutions are institutions for responding to the public expectations and private institutions are the corollary to the consumer’s response. Thus it becomes an interdependent equation to develop a balance between the social system and the other functional unit systems. The role of public institutions is prominent in countervailing the poverty by appropriating the publicly available resources (UNDP/BDP/CDO, 2005). Likewise private sector has co-responsibility in building up integrity. (Stuart 2004) Thus seen from this perspective PPP must help in evolving the mechanism that eventually leaps to the development of the ethical values in the institutions through electronic connectivity.
There are many PPP Models to foster joint ventures strategic partnerships to make. better use of governmental assets such as ‘Design-Build-Operate (DBO); Design-Build-Finance Operate (DBPO) that are basically used in designing the activity. (PPP Handbook Version 10 October 2004). A plethora of literature is available on this emerging offshoot of Public management depicting purposes and interventions in detail but not much has been written on exploring how does this partnership can lead to the creation of ethical driven systems. The technological proliferation has made the whole exercise of designing any operable activity in the realm of PPP easily assessable. The often-included areas of governmental functioning adapting to this strategy are health, education, public enterprises, and infrastructure development. The most fundamental purpose of this partnership is to improvise the delivery system of governmental sector. This article, however, examines the entire concept from a newer viewpoint by focusing on how the role of partnership can be made more productive in value structuring with the help of e- tools. The nature of this presentation is normative and prognostic.
The public and private institutions can be analysed from two different perspectives, one from independent standpoint and another from interdependent viewpoint. Each of these institutions is independent target driven functional unit, where as interdependently both have social relevance in creating a balanced society. Hence many difference are there in the nature of functions each sector is expected to perform, but none of these institutions can become redundant in fulfilling their responsibility of value structuring. To get a deeper insight it will be pertinent to discuss the mechanism of value structuring through productive partnership between the two with the help of electronic devices. Thus the collaborative functioning of both sectors needs more emphasis as the workable tool for capacity building. The possibility of having better connectivity can help in identifying values, which are detrimental for the, societal growth at large. Likewise values, which are fundamental for the development can be assimilated and disseminated through electronic means. The e-administration can provide strategic inputs to the system of governance, It can also help in sensitizing the system towards public problems, their expectations, the delays; which normally cause rampage by facilitating the connectivity between government and common man. In modem, era ‘time’ has taken the ‘centre-stage that means time factor needs to be controlled and the most effective way to deliver services timely is by increasing the pace through e- connectivity. The potentiality of this facility is yet to be optimised specially in the society that is driven by conventional dogma of concealments. This mode of secretive functioning has led to the violations of human dignity hence the only way to reverse this is by opening up and making system of governance transparent.
Premises: The structuring of values requires micro level analysis, which then can be projected as trajectory at the macro level to envisage the overall impact of the entire process. To understand this, the following presumptions can’ be made:
1, The entire world is responding to the changing concept of forming a
productive alliance between the public and private institutions,
2. These alliances are leading to compulsive realignments in terms
3. These realignments are in accordance to the functional rotation that can be
permitted by each sector i.e, public and private,
4, This rotation will be affected by conditioning of various endogenous as well
‘as exogenous environmental factors,
5, These ecological factors will require redistribution of the tasks amongst the
two sectors to get the productive results,
6, The productive results can be delivered through e- connectivity in the
society that might help in resolving conflicts, Based on these premises certain
propositions can be drawn to understand the particulars of this relationship,
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