(Sample Material) UPSC IAS Mains GS Online Coaching : Paper 4 - "Legal Framework For Fighting Corruption"
Sample Material of Our IAS Mains GS Online Coaching Programme
Subject: General Studies (Paper 4 - Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude)
Topic: Legal Framework For Fighting Corruption
Evolution of the Anti-Corruption Laws in India
In the pre-independence period, the Indian Penal Code (IPC) was the main tool to combat corruption in public life. The Code had a chapter on ‘Offences by Public Servants’. Sections 161 to 165 provided the legal framework to prosecute corrupt public servants. At that time the need for a special law to deal with corruption was not felt.
The Second World War created shortages which gave opportunity to unscrupulous elements to exploit the situation leading to large scale corruption in public life. This situation continued even after the war. The lawmakers concerned about this menace, felt that drastic legislative measures need to be taken. Hence the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 was enacted to fight the evils of bribery and corruption.
The Prevention of Corruption Act 1947: This Act did not redefine nor expand the definition of offences related to corruption, already existing in the IPC. Similarly, it also adopted the same definition of ‘Public Servant’ as in the IPC38. However the law defined a new offence -‘Criminal misconduct in discharge of official duty’ - for which enhanced punishment (minimum 1 year to maximum 7 years) was stipulated. In order to shift the burden of proof in certain cases to the accused, it was provided that whenever it was proved that a public servant had accepted any gratification, it shall be presumed that the public servant accepted such a gratification as a motive or reward under Section 161 of IPC. In order to prevent harassment to honest officers, it was mandated that no court shall take cognizance of offences punishable under Sections 161,164 and 165 without the permission of the authority competent to remove the charged public servant. The Act also provided that the statement by bribe-giver would not subject him to prosecution. It was considered necessary to grant such immunity to the bribe-giver, who might have been forced by circumstances into giving a bribe. If this immunity was not provided, all complainants would become liable for punishment, which would deter them from giving complaints against any public official who accepted a bribe.
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1952 brought some changes in laws relating to corruption. The punishment specified under Section 165 of IPC was enhanced to three years instead of the existing two years. Also a new Section 165A was inserted in the IPC, which made abetting of offences, defined in Sections 161 and 165 of IPC, an offence. It was also stipulated that all corruption related offences should be tried only by special judges.
Amendments in 1964: The anti-corruption laws underwent comprehensive amendments in 1964. The definition of ‘Public Servant’ under the IPC was expanded (The Santhanam Committee had also recommended an expanded definition of the term ‘Public Servant’). The CrPC was amended to provide in camera trial if either party or the court so desires. The presumption which was available under Section 4 of The Prevention of Corruption Act, was extended to include offences defined under Sections 5(1) and 5(2). The definition of ‘criminal misconduct’ was expanded and possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income of a public servant, was made an offence. Section 5(A) was amended so as to empower the State Governments to authorize officers of the rank of Inspectors of Police to investigate cases under the Act (earlier, this could be done only with the approval of the Magistrate (The Santhanam Committee recommended this). Police officers, competent to investigate cases under the Act, were empowered to inspect bankers’ records, if they had reasons to suspect commission of an offence under the Act (This power is available under Section 94 CrPC, but only after a case has been registered. This was also one of the recommendations of the Santhanam Committee).
The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988: This Act received Presidential assent on 9th September, 1988. It consolidates the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1947, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1952 and some provisions of IPC. Besides, it has certain provisions intended to effectively combat corruption among public servants.
The salient features of the Act are as follows:
a. The term ‘ Public Servant’ is defined in the Act. The definition is
broader than what existed in the IPC.
b. A new concept – ‘Public Dduty’ is introduced in the Act.
c. Offences relating to corruption in the IPC have been brought in Chapter 3 of
the Act, and they have been deleted from the Indian Penal Code.
d. All cases under the Act are to be tried only by Special Judges.
e. Proceedings of the court have to be held on a day-to-day basis.
f. Penalties prescribed for various offences are enhanced.
g. CrPC is amended (for the purposes of this Act only) to provide for
expeditious trial {Section 22 of the Act provides for amended Sections 243, 309,
317 and 397 of CrPC}.
h. It has been stipulated that no court shall stay the proceedings under the Act
on the grounds of any error or irregularity in the sanction granted, unless in
the opinion of the court it has led to failure of justice.
i. Other existing provisions regarding presumptions, immunity to bribe-giver,
investigation by an officer of the rank of DySP, access to bank records etc have
been retained.
The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Defining Corruption
The Prevention of Corruption Act does not provide a definition of ‘Corruption’. Interestingly, Finland, which is the least corrupt nation according to the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index also does not have any formal definition of corruption in its laws. Even the United Nations Convention against Corruption does not provide a definition of corruption. It lays down in Article 5, some preventive anti-corruption policies and practices.
They are:
1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its
legalsystem, develop and implement or maintain effective, coordinated
anti-corruption policies that promote the participation of society and reflect
the principles of the rule of law, proper management of public affairs and
public property, integrity, transparency and accountability.
2. Each State Party shall endeavour to establish and promote effective practices
aimed at the prevention of corruption.
3. Each State Party shall endeavour to periodically evaluate relevant legal
instruments and administrative measures with a view to determining their
adequacy to prevent and fight corruption.
States Parties shall, as appropriate and in accordance with the fundamental principles of their legal system, collaborate with each other and with relevant international and regional organizations in promoting and developing the measures referred to in this Article. That collaboration may include participation in international programmes and projects aimed at the prevention of corruption.
The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, lists offences of bribery and other related offences and the penalties from Sections 7 to 15. These offences broadly cover acceptance of illegal gratification as a motive or reward for doing or forbearing to do any official act, or favouring or disfavouring any person; obtaining a valuable thing without consideration or inadequate consideration; and criminal misconduct involving receiving gratification, misappropriation, obtaining any pecuniary advantage to any person without any public interest, or being in possession of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his known sources of income. Attempts to commit such offences and abetment are also listed as offences, in keeping with the principles usually applied in criminal law. The accent is thus on consideration, gratification of all kinds and pecuniary advantage.
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