(Sample Material) UPSC IAS Mains GS Online Coaching : Paper 3 - "Technology Missions; Economics of Animal-Rearing"
Sample Material of Our IAS Mains GS Online Coaching Programme
Subject: General Studies (Paper 3 - Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)
Topic: Technology Missions; Economics of Animal-Rearing
Technology Missions; Economics of Animal-Rearing
The Technology Mission on Oilseeds was launched by the Central Government in 1986 to increase the production of oilseeds to reduce import and achieve self-sufficiency in edible oils.
The "Technology Mission" are the brain child of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. The mission was started as an offshoot of the Seventh Plan in the fields of literacy,immunization, oilseeds, drinking water, dairy products and telecommunication.
Subsequently, pulses, oil palm and maize were also brought within the purview of the Mission in 1990-91, 1992 and 1995-96 respectively.
The objectives of the mission are:-
(i) Make substantial improvement in the functional literacy
of the population.
(ii) Immunize all infants against six diseases and women against tetanus.
(iii) Cut down imports of edible oil.
(iv) Improve the availability and quality of drinking water in rural areas.
(v) Improve milk production and rural employment,
(vi) Extend and improve the telecommunication network especially in rural areas.
Technology Mission on Oilseeds, Pulses and Maize
The National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development (NOVOD) Board supplement the efforts of TMOP by opening of newer areas for non-traditional oilseeds. IT is promoting Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBO)s.
The schemes implemented under TMOP are:
• Oilseeds Production Programme (OPP)
• National Pulses Development Project (NPDP)
• Accelerated Maize Development Programme (AMDP) - External website that opens
in a new window
• Post Harvest Technology (PHT)
• Oil Palm Development Programme (OPDP) and
• National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board (NOVOD) - External
website that opens in a new window
Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize
In order to provide flexibility to the States in implementation based on regionally differentiated approach, to promote crop diversification and to provide focused approach to the programmes, the schemes of Oilseeds Production Programme, Oil Palm Development Programme, National Pulses Development Project and Accelerated Maize Development Programme of Ninth Plan have been merged into one Centrally Sponsored Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (IPOPOM) - External website that opens in a new window during the 10th Five Year Plan which is being implemented with effect from 1st April, 2004. The scheme is being implemented by 14 major growing States for oilseeds and pulses and 15 States for Maize and in 10 States for oil palm.
The ISOPOM has the following special features:
• Flexibility to the States to utilize the funds for the
scheme/crop of their choice.
• Annual action plan to be formulated by the State Governments for consideration
and approval of the Government of India.
• Flexibility to the States for introducing innovative measures or any special
component to the extent of 10 per cent of financial allocation.
• Involvement of private sector by the State Governments for the implementation
of the programme with a financial cap of 15 per cent.
• Flexibility for inter component diversion of funds upto 20 per cent for
non-seed components only and
• Diversion of funds from seed components to non-seed components with the prior
approval of the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation.
Implementation of oilseeds production programme helped in increasing the production of oilseeds from 108.30 lakh tones in 1985-86 to 281.57 lakh tonnes during 2008-09 (IV Adv. Est.). The pulses production in the country increased from 128.60 lakh in 1989-90 to 146.62 (IV Adv. Est.) lakh tonnes in 2008-09.
The area under Oil palm increased from 8,585 ha. at the end of 1992-93 to 26,178 ha. in 2008-09. Actual production of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFBs) during 2008-09 is 355,480.36 MTs yielding around 59,007.40 Metric tonnes of Crude Palm Oil (CPO).
The production of maize increased from 88.94 lakh tones in 1994-95 to 192.87 lakh tonnes in 2008-09.
The National Technology Missions focused on the key human needs.
The advantage of working through the missions is that, they break up the process of change and delivery into manageable tasks in the form of a package programme with the aim of country.
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