Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC)
The State of JHARKHAND came into existence on 15th November, 2000 by carving out 18 districts of Bihar. The JHARKHAND Public Service Commission was constituted under the provisions of the Article 315 of the Constitution of India by the Governor of JHARKHAND. Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) was established with the aim of making a commission fully responsible for making the recruitment for the government posts in the state. The main objective of the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) is to conduct written competitive examination and also the interviews for the selections of the candidates for any government posts in the state.
The State of JHARKHAND came into existence on 15th November,2000 by carving out 18 districts of Bihar. The JHARKHAND Public Service Commission was Constituted under the provisions of the Article 315 of the Constitution of India by the Governor of JHARKHAND
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NEW! Notification For Jharkhand PSC-2019
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Contact Details:
सकुर्लर रोड, रांची-834001
Website: http://www.jpsc.gov.in
Courtesy: jpsc.gov.in