Suggested reading and Strategy for IAS Main G.S. Paper - II
Suggested reading and Strategy for IAS Main G.S. Paper - II
The syllabus of IAS Main GS paper 2 can be broadly divided into following broad sections:
- Indian Constitution and Polity
- Governance
- Social justice and welfare schemes
- International relations
Below mentioned are the suggested readings for each section:
Indian Constitution and Polity:
1. Indian Constitution at Work NCERT Class XI
2. Democratic Politics NCERT Class X
3. Indian Polity by M. Laxmikant
4. Introduction to the Constitution of India by Durga Das Basu
5. Current affairs related to this portion from newspapers
1. Selected chapters from IGNOU BA and MA Public Administration study materials
2. Selective reading from 2nd ARC reports
3. Newspapers
Printed Study Material for IAS Exam (UPSC) (Combo)
(Download) UPSC, IAS MAINS Exam Previous Year Question Papers
(Syllabus) IAS MAINS Examination (GS + Optional)
Social Justice and welfare schemes:
1. Relevant chapters from India Year Book
2. Yojana and kurushetra magzines
3. Websites of different Union ministries
4. Economic survey
5. Newspapers
International relations
1. Ministry of External Affairs Website
2. Challenges and Strategy- Rethinking Indi’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
3. Newspapers
4. Internet
Strategy for each section:
1. Indian Constitution and Polity:
This section of syllabus include topics such as Indian Constitution, Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries, Parliament and State Legislatures, Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary, Constitutional Bodies, Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies, etc.
Questions from this portion of syllabus are both static and current in nature.
The static part can be read from NCERT Books, Indian Polity by Laxmikant and Introduction to the Constitution of India by Durga Das Basu.
Current affairs related to this part can be done from newspapers.
An important point that should be kept in mind is that candidates should try to relate the current happenings with the basics. For example any news on ordinance should be followed by studying the basics of ordinance making power of central and state governments.
2. Governance:
This part of syllabus consists of topics related to Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.
For this part only selective reading is required from BA and MA Public Administration study materials and 2nd ARC reports.
Newspapers should be followed to know any new initiative for good governance.
3. Social Justice and welfare schemes:
This part of syllabus includes topics such as welfare schemes for vulnerable sections, bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections, social sector/services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources, issues relating to poverty and hunger, etc.
This part of syllabus carries a lot of significance and a number of questions are asked which are analytical in nature.
The focus of the candidates should not be only on the salient features of welfare schemes but also on the benefits, limitations, improvement, reforms, success and failure of these schemes. For example candidates should not only focus on the provisions of MGNREGA but also on its successes and limitations along with reforms initiated to restructure it.
4. International relations:
This part is quite dynamic in nature and includes such topics as India and its neighborhood, Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India, Indian Diaspora, Important International institutions, etc.
Candidates are advised to keep tab of current affairs related to India’s Foreign Policy, bilateral relations, important international events and international institutions.
Along with current status of bilateral and multilateral relations, candidates should also clear the historical aspects of such relations.
Getting updated news related to international relations from newspapers and internet is important in order to prepare well for this section of syllabus.
Section wise analysis of GS Paper II of Civil services Main Examination 2014 yields us the respective significance of each section.
- Indian Constitution and Polity- 25 % questions
- Governance-15 % questions
- Social justice and welfare schemes-35 % questions
- International relations- 25 % questions
An important aspect of preparation for GS paper II is relating the current happenings with the fundamentals. Along with that a number of examples should be given from current happenings while answering the questions of this paper.
To get good marks in this paper candidates are advised to focus on analysis rather than on factual information.
Last but not the least, revision and writing practice must be done before appearing in the examination.
Printed Study Material for IAS Exam (UPSC) (Combo)
(Download) UPSC, IAS MAINS Exam Previous Year Question Papers
(Syllabus) IAS MAINS Examination (GS + Optional)
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