(Syllabus) AP Transco Assistant Engineer Written Test 2010 Syllabus | Civil
AP Transco Assistant Engineer Written Test 2010 Syllabus | Civil
1. Strength of Materials:
Simple stresses and strains. Hooke’s law. Stress-strain curve for mild steel, elastic constants, compound bars, temperature stresses, strain energy, resilience, impact loading, SFD and BMD for simple cantilever and overhanging beams.
Centre of gravity and moment of inertia, bending and shear stress distributions. Theory of pure torsion, helical spring, thin and thick cylinders, analysis of trusses by method of joints and method of sections, combined direct and bending stresses, column and struts, deflection of beams-double integration, moment area and conjugate beam methods.
2. Reinforced Concrete:
Basic reinforcing materials, tests on cement and aggregates.
Structural concrete and its grades, workability tests and concrete mix design. Singly and doubly reinforced beams, working stress design of rectangular and flanged beams shear bond, development length and torsion in beams, one-way and two-way slabs, axially and eccentrically loaded columns, isolated and combined footings. Basic concepts of limit state design and its applications to the design of beams, slabs and columns.
3. Steel Structures:
Grades of steels, design of simple and compound beams, riveted and welded joints, riveted and welded connections’-eccentric framed and seated, simple and compound columns, slab and gusseted bases, grillage foundations, roof trusses, plastic analysis – plastic bending of beams, shape factor, plastic analysis theorems, and analysis of fixed, propped cantilever beams by static and kinematic methods.
4. Fluid Mechanics & Machinery:
Fluid properties, pressure measurements, manometers, forces on plane and curved surfaces, center of pressure, principle of buoyancy, stability of floating and submerged bodies, metacentre, Kinematics of fluid flow, equation of continuity. Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations, Impulse-momentum, flow measuring device s – orifices and mouth pieces, notches and weirs, flow through pipes, open channel flow, impact of jets – stationery and moving vanes (flat and curved), radial vanes, hydraulic turbines, pumps and machinery.
5. Soil Mechanics:
Physical properties of soils, classification and identification, permeability, capillarity, seepage, compaction, shear strength, Earth pressure, slope stability.
Foundation Engineering:
Stress distribution in soils, bearing capacity, settlement analysis, pile foundation, Coffer dams, Caissons, Dewatering, Bracing for excavations, site investigations, New mark charts, Machine foundation.
Syllabus :
AP Transco Electrical Syllabus