(The Gist of Kurukshetra) Irrigation Sector: [MARCH-2018]
(The Gist of Kurukshetra) Irrigation Sector:
Irrigation Sector:
Availability of water plays an important role in raising production and enhancing productivity of agriculture. Further, the productivity of irrigated areas is significantly higher than the productivity of un-irrigated areas. In lndia, only 68 million Ha (48 per cent of Net Sown Area) is currently under irrigation. The Union Budget 2018-19 has given foremost importance to Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yolana (PMKSY) with the objective of ‘Har Khet Ko Pm? and ’Per Drop More Crop.
The Government of India has initiated 99 projects under mission mode whereas the works for identified 48 projects will remain in progress . along with left over works of other projects from previous phase. it will create an additional irrigation potential of 44.5 lakh Ha in major and minor irrigation by December, 2019. To execute this, PMKSY- Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme & Command Area Development (AlBP-CAD) has is n provided Rs. 6000.00crore through NABARD funding along wrth open market financing.
As per the Economic Survey 2017-18, the effect of extreme weather shocks are almost twice as high in rain-fed areas as compared to irrigated areas. The government has proposed to include 96 most water deprived districts with an allocation of Rs. 2600 crore where only less than 30 per cent of the land holdings covered are under irrigation. The average annual rainfall of these districts are 750 mm and more, however, less than 60 per cent of the annual replenish able groundwater resources have been developed i.e. there is scope for further groundwater development without endangering groundwater sustainability. In these 96 districts, the government is likely to construct 9.49 lakh groundwater abstraction structures through tube wels dug wells, bore wells and Dug cum Bore weigh This project envisages convergence with wells.
The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) in Indian agriculture, at about 30-40 per cent, is one of the lowest in the world, against 55 per cent in China. This requires paradigm shift in conservation and in agriculture policies, which should lead to saving of water, fertilizer and energy resulting in crop diversification and equitable distribution of resources. The objective of PMKSY-Per Drop More Crop is the use of innovative water saving technologies in irrigation called Micro Irrigation. Micro irrigation. Saves irrigation water from 40 to 70 per cent (Mo Agri & FW, 2004), conserves energy from 10-17 percent, reduces fertilizers consumption from 15 to 50 per cent, and decreases labour cost of about 30-40 per cent (FlCCI,2016). This technology leads to increment in gross irrigated areas, adaptation of multi crop system, reduction of various inputs together, shrinks the expenditure on agriculture ’ enhances farmer’s income.
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Courtesy: Kurukshetra