(GIST OF SCIENCE REPORTER) Rewarding Innovations : MARCH-2023
(GIST OF SCIENCE REPORTER) Rewarding Innovations
Rewarding Innovations
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE Award
- IGNITE Awards by the National Innovation Foundation (NIF), in memory of Dr Kalam, is a national-level competition to honour students of Standard XII, or 17 years old, in or out of school, who contribute creative technological ideas and innovations.
- The ‘Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research’ (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of DST.
- INSPIRE Awards-MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge) is an initiative of DST and NIF to encourage children of classes 6 to 10.
- To promote a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school kids, it aims to gather one million original ideas/innovations based on science and societal applications.
Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Awards
- In all fields of engineering, science, technology and design, GYTI promotes student innovation through cost-effective and innovative solutions pushing the boundaries
of technology. - There are two categories for the awards including SITARE-GYTI which is offered by the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), and SRISTI-GYTI is offered by SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable
Technologies and Institutions).
- SRISTI, a foundation of the National Innovation Foundation, constituted the following three national awards for students for their innovative projects in varied areas including engineering, biotechnology, agriculture, pharmacy, material science and other applied technological domains.
- MLM (More from less for many) award: An innovation that optimises material use, is affordable and offers sustainable manufacturing solutions receives this award.
- SRISTI (Socially relevant technological innovation) award: This award is given to student projects that have a prototype or proof of concept with significant novelty and social application.
- Technological-edge award: This award is presented to students who have made significant technological advancements in engineering, pharmacy, medical, agricultural, or other disciplines.
Honey Bee Network Creativity & Inclusive Innovation Awards (HBNCRIIA)
- Honey Bee Network and GIAN jointly organised the first International annual competition for creative & Innovative ideas or traditional knowledge practices, which solve day-to-day problems faced by society including animals, the environment, or us. HBNCRIIA award accepts entries from parents, teachers, professionals, college students, or any other adult in the formal or informal sector.
- This award aims to give international recognition to the innovations which are from/for grassroots, and address unmet social needs.
CSIR Innovation Award for School Children (CIASC)
- An annual national competition to harness the creative and innovative spirit of school children. The competition was started in the year 2002 on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day (26 April). CSIR invites students to send their original creative technological and design ideas in the form of a proposal for the competition.
- The proposals invited for the awards are for the exploration of ideas and for providing the feasibility or possibility of the concept of intellectual property rights. Winning entries are selected based on the novelty and utility for any new concept or idea or design or solution to an existing problem or a completely new method/device/utility.
CSIR Award for S&T Innovations for Rural Development (CAIRD)
- This is an annual award instituted in 2006, which recognizes those outstanding S&T innovations that have helped transform the lives of rural people or generate employment.
CII Industrial Innovation Awards
- CII Industrial Innovation Awards were instituted in 2014 to identify and celebrate innovative Indian enterprises across industry segments and sectors.
- The Awards give an opportunity to companies to shine and be known nationally and internationally for their innovative products and services.
- The Awards evaluate all kinds of new processes, products, services, technologies, and other types of innovations which have the ability to fuel growth in industry. They also assess new ideas and approaches along with tangible results.
India IT Innovation Awards
- Driving IT adoption across various verticals and celebrating successful business innovation through IT, IT Innovation Awards by NASSCOM recognise enterprises across various verticals in India, who have demonstrated leadership in innovative use of Information Technology for business growth and customer service.
NRDC Innovation Awards
- National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) gives awards to Indian Nationals every year for meritorious inventions in three Categories, i.e., National Innovation Award, National Societal Innovation Award and National Budding Innovators Award under Programme for Inspiring Inventors and Innovators (PIII), a DSIR Grants-in-Aid Programme to recognise and encourage inventive talent in the country and to stimulate the spirit of inventiveness among scientists, technical persons, industrial workers, technicians, artisans, craftsmen and students which could be harnessed for the benefit of the Nation.
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Courtesy: Science Reporter