Micro, small and medium enterprises have as strategic appeal globally to
policy makers in view of their magnitude in terms of number of enterprises, and
contribution in terms of employment, production and exports, among others. They
promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth,generate employment, encourage
sustainable industralisation, foster
innovation, and reduce income inequalities (OECD, 2017). In the current
globalized word, it is imperative to enable MSMEs to adapt and thrive in more
open environment and participate more actively in the digital growth and deliver
a more inclusive globalization (OECD, 2017).
In the global economy, India occupies a unique status in a view of its long
standing policy for the promotion of MSMEs since its independence in 1947. The
general merits as well as constraints observed in the international context are
applicable to India MSMEs as well. MSMEs contribute significantly to the Indian
economy. In 2015/16, he sector comprised
more than 51 million persons and accounted for more than Rs. 8492 billion worth
of exports (at current prices): procured about Rs. 18100 billion worth of output
(at constant prices in 2012/13) (RBI,2017). In 2014/15, MSMEs accounted for
30.74 percent of the Gross domestic product (GDP); of which manufacturing sector
MSMEs accounted for 6.11 percent of theGDP (Ministry of MSMEs, 2017). Thus, MSME
sector has grown to be one of the important pillars of Indian economy.
Technology Transfer: Meaning and Importance
In the narrowest definition, technology includes patentable blueprints, plans
mechanisms, formulae, and the like (Enos, 1989), and transfer can be limited to
the new use of such technology either within a particular firm or by a host
country firm or organization (Smith, 1980). Technology can perhaps be better
defined as the knowledge whereby economic
efficiency can be improved. Hence, it includes not only the “hard,” possibly
patentable, aspects of production, like the specifications of goods and the
mechanistic details of their manufacture, but also the “Soft” aspects of
business processes, such as organisation, marketing, and other types of
managerial knowledge and skills.
Transfer: Objectives, Achievements
The long run competitive position of most individual firms depends on how
well they learn to manage and 9ncrease their technological asset bases. The
objective of a technology strategy is to guide the firm in acquiring, developing
and applying technology for a competitive advantage. A firm’s options range from
‘hightechnological risk decision’ to develop the
needed technology internally, to ‘low technology risk decision’ to acquire a
fully functioning technology from another firm. It is the high cost of conducing
internal R&D that has resulted in a growing trend towards acquiring new
technologies by some other means (Noori, 1990). In general, it is argued that
the decision to purchase a fully functioning and a widely used product
technology from another firm could result in a superior product quality.
There are various sources through which MSMEs can acquire external technologies. Some of them are as follows:
• Sponsoring a research in a University,
• Supporting employees, education and thereby access candidate technologies,
• Making use of an external R & D centre,
• Employing consultants to help them access the new technologies available in
the market,
• Going for licensing, one of the widely utilize methods of technology
• Using technical meetings, technical journals and trade shows for assessing
alternative technologies,
• Purchasing existing technology either through the vendor/supplier or from any
commercial channel.
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The channels and achievements of technology transfer would depend on the source of technology chosen by a firm.Transfer of technologies from the noncommercial to the private sector is increasingly regarded as playing a significant role in tech start-ups, growth of existing business, and new job creation. The majority of empirical literature describes the process of technology transfer as:
(i) Transfer from universities to private enterprises (Parker and Zilberman,
1993; Proctor, 1993),
(ii) Transfer from government promoted labs/support agencies to private
enterprises (Code, 1992), and
(iii) Transfer between and within private enterprises (Chakkrabarti, et al,
1993; Palaniswami and Biship, 1993).
Technology Transfer and MSMEs: A Conceptual Framework Technology development is of paramount importance of Indian MSMEs, if they have to remain competitive in the domestic market and penetrate the international market steadily. This assumes significance because technological obsolescence has been one of the most serve problems identified with the Indian MSME sector time and again. That is why technology development has been considered the foremost factor for enhancing the global competitiveness of the Indian SME sector.
Sources and channels of technology transfer: MSMEs technology transfer :MSMEs have multiple sources for technology upgradation through technology transfer , such as:
(i) Technology information and technology assistance are provided by mens of
a technology bank maintained by the development commission for micro, small and
medium enterprises in the ministry of MSMEs, government of India
(ii) A university or an engineering institution (such as IITs/ NITs/ IISc
or other engineering colleges), can provide lab developed technologies to MSMEs
through contract research or
which emerged out of their basic research. TIFAC-MSME programme facilitates such
(iii) An R & D establishment promoted by the government such as a technology
research centre (TRC), which can enable a MSME to source and acquire a
technology either locally or from abroad.
(iv) National Research Development corporation (NRDC) which commercializes
technologies, developed in council for scientific & industrial research labs
located across the country, primarily helps MSMEs in technology transfer.
(v) Cluster development programme of national manufacturing (DCMSEs, 2014).
(vi) A large enterprise (it would be a domestic private enterprise, a public
sector enterprise or a Multinational Corporation) with which MSMEs have
sub-contracting relationships. To
facilitate MSMEs to produce highquality parts and components, the former will
provide technical information assistance and core technology to the latter.
Achievements of Technology Transfer: MSMEs generally are able to accomplish multiple outcomes through technology transfer. Some of them are:
• Increase in productivity
• Reduction in costs
• Expansion of scale of production
• Diversified produce range
• New product development
• New design products
• Better quality of products
• Penetration of international markets
• Increase in sales and market share
To conclude, technology upgradation (through diverse sources and channels of
technology transfer) is desired by MSMEs to achieve multiple objectives such as
overcoming technological obsolescence, scale/scope expansion, and/or entering
the international market. To achieve technology upgradation, MSMEs go for
technology transfer by scouting for alternative sources. Once a certain source
is identified, the channel of technology transfer is finalized and pursued. The
accomplishment of technology transfer would enable MSMEs to realize some or all
of the objectives leading to an overall enhancement of economic performance and
competiveness. In the current era, it is imperative to enable and increasing
number of MSMEs to realize technologyupgradation through technology transfer,
for the benefit of the sector as much as for Indian economy.
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