NEW! The Gist (AUG-24) | E-BOOKS
e-Sampark is a mechanism to connect the government directly with citizens across India by running mailer, outbound dialing and SMS campaigns. e-Sampark portal was launched in May 2016 by Government of India. It works as a platform to pass on messages to the people and also receive messages from people. The Portal is aimed to improve government communications with citizens. Till date, 404 campaigns have already been conducted and more than 230 crore emails have also been sent through e-Sampark.
The concept of e-Sampark has been introduced to establish proactive communication by digitisation of campaigns. The multi- I faceted platform facilitates not only seamless communication between the government and citizens, but also maintains a database of contacts of the nodal officers, representatives and citizens. In addition, users can also view the previous campaigns conducted. e-Sampark signifies the essence of Digital India. It enables the government to communicate with the citizens about several programmes and initiatives. Recent campaigns include Transforming India through Risk Management and Encouraging citizens to avoid petrol and diesel vehicles or a day in a week. It also provides the views of the Prime Minister shared by him in the popular programme 'Man Ki Baat' on radio. The features of the e-Sampark portal are as follows- "Provision for sending informational and public service messages in the form of mailers, SMSs and outbound dialing to citizens, elected representatives and government employees through customised user lists. "Similarly, SMSs can also be sent to a customised user-base using the application "Extensive database of elected representatives and government officials that is updated periodically.. Provision for updating the database either individually or through bulk upload. "Provision of a Dashboard showing nodal officers the campaign analytics i.e. number of mailers and SMSes sent, percentage read, percentage of forwards, URL clicks etc.
"Provision for individual users to subscribe to the "e-Sampark" database. By subscribing to a list, a user gives his/her consent to receive mailers and SMSes from the Government. The user can unsubscribe from the list at any time. One can ensure following benefits - "Extensive structured database of government officials (of both Central and State governments) for sending official information. "Information, alerts about the existent policies or proposed policies, decision of the Government and new schemes to be launched can be shared with customised user base. This will improve the efficiency of communication .o Increased awareness among the citizens by sharing urgent alerts of national or public interest and government updates so he or she can take benefit of schemes and programmes timely.
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Courtesy : Yojana