(GIST OF YOJANA) Gram Panchayat Development Plans
(GIST OF YOJANA) Gram Panchayat Development Plans
Gram Panchayat Development Plans
- The 73rd Constitutional Amendment has created a formal three-tier structure of decentralised local governance for rural India with special emphasis on the inclusion of women, SCs, STs, and other marginalised communities as partners in governance.
- Article 243G of the Indian Constitution mandates economic development and social justice through an inclusive, community-driven, and holistic planning process of the Panchayat System, thereby evolving into institutions of local self-governance.
GPDP: Comprehensive Planning
- As a vehicle for comprehensive and convergent development planning, the preparation of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) was institutionalised during the FY 2015-16. GPDP process facilitates decentralised planning by the community members of the village.
- The convergence of resources available through various schemes of the Government of India and respective State governments as well as ‘Own-source Revenue’ provide the opportunity to the Gram Panchayats to chart their own need-based development plans through active involvement of the Gram Sabha. In due recognition of the importance of grassroots-level planning at the Gram Panchayat level.
Broad Objectives of GPDP:
a) To ensure integrated and inclusive development of the rural areas governed by Gram Panchayats, which is not only geared towards infrastructure-oriented development but also social, economic, and community development.
b) To enable and engage the community in participatory planning and decision-making processes.
c) To ensure identification of locally available resources and addressing local needs of all communities through participatory planning and convergence. The subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
d) To ensure inclusion and welfare of the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and other marginalised communities, Other Backward Communities, women and children, vulnerable groups, people with disabilities, etc., in the formulation and implementation of the GPDP to ensure the provision of basic social goods and a life of dignity.
e) To improve efficiency and efficacy in public service delivery in local areas.
f) To strengthen accountability measures at the local level.
GPDP - Convergence of Schemes and Sectors
- The GPDP planning process has to be comprehensive which involves convergence with schemes related to 29 subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
- Panchayats have a significant role to play in the effective and efficient implementation of flagship schemes on subjects of national importance.
In the context of the large distribution of funds to Gram Panchayats by the Finance Commission, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj has made the preparation of GPDP a mandatory activity by Gram Panchayats (GPs). - The Ministry had framed Model GPDP Guidelines in 2015 and subsequently, the new restructured comprehensive GPDP Guidelines 2018 were put in place. Along with the revised guidelines, special emphasis was given by rolling out the People’s Plan Campaign for greater emphasis on GPDP preparation.
Need for Capacity Building:
- In a bid to strengthen local democracy and people-led development, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and State Governments are continuously trying to innovate and engage a large section of stakeholders into the planning and development process. As part of this process, MoPR lays great emphasis on Capacity Building and training of Elected Representatives (ERs) and other stakeholders through its flagship scheme of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj” Abhiyan launched in 2018. In the last three years, it has trained 110 lakh ERs and stakeholders. Nearly 57,89,185 persons have been provided training related to GPDP.
- Since 2018, this large-scale exercise of GPDP preparation has been taken up in a mission mode through the People’s Plan Campaign (Sabki Yojana Sabka Vikas) annually across the country.
- This campaign is an intensive and structured exercise for planning by the Gram Panchayats, through special Gram Sabhas with active support from the officials of different line ministries/departments. The gaps based on Mission Antyodaya Surveys are brought forth to address the same in the next round of planning; information regarding various schemes of different ministries is shared to enable informed planning.
- With convergence in planning and implementation of development programmes and integration of community-based organisations.
- Line Ministries with the democratic institutions, and people centred approach of the development plans will lead to building up of physical, financial, social and capital, and long term sustainable development at the village level.
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Courtesy: Yojana