• The Land Acquisition bill has been renamed as the Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Bill, 2013. The new act replaces a nearly 120-year-old law enacted
during British rule in 1984. It lays emphasis on Rehabilitation & Resettlement
• The new act concerns only such cases where the land will be acquired by
Central or State Authorities for any public purpose.
• It calls for taking the consent of 80 percent of land owners for acquiring
land for private projects and of 70 percent land owners for publicprivate
• It also tries to lay down a transparent process for land acquisition for
industrialization, development of essential infrastructural facilities and
urbanization by giving adequate financial compensation to the affected people.
Study Material for IAS (UPSC) Pre 2018
• It gives priority to the interests of the farmers, landless laborers,
dalits and tribal’s.
• Multi-crop irrigated land will not be acquired except as a demonstrably last
resort measure. Wherever multi-crop irrigated land is acquired and equivalent
area of cultivable wasteland shall be developed for agricultural purposes.
States are also required to set a limit on the area of agricultural land that
can be acquired in any given district.
• It also provides for leasing of land to developers, instead of sale, so that
the ownership will remain with the original land holders and they can also have
a regular income by way of lease rent; the terms of lease to be laid down by the
State Government according to type of land, location, market rates etc.
• The Act clearly enunciates the issues relating to acquisition, award,
compensation and rehabilitation and also curtails the discretionary powers of
the District Magistrates.
• 13 Central Act which are outside the purview of the new Act have to conform to
the provisions of compensation and Rehabilitation and Resettlement package
within one year of the coming into force of the legislation.
• Where land is acquired for urbanisation, 20 percent of the developed land will
be reserved and offered to land owning project affected families, in proportion
to their land acquired and at a price equal to cost of acquisition and the cost
of development.
• The Consent of Gram Sabha is mandatory for acquisition in Scheduled Areas
under the Fifth Schedule referred to in the Constitution.
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Courtesy: Yojana