NIPUN Bharat Mission
- Various researches have clearly pointed out that foundational learning forms the cornerstone to successful academic development in later grades and is considered to be the gateway to learning.
- Moreover, there are several associated long-term benefits from investing in foundational learning, such as better life outcomes and higher economic growth.
NEP 2020 and NIPUN Bharat Mission:
- The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) recommended a paradigm shift in the current education system. NEP 2020 not only takes cognizance of unique potential of each learner but also advocates scientific approach while propagating the new curriculum and pedagogical structure divided in four stages, i.e., 5+3+3+4 (Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary).
- With the revolutionary recommendations such as low stake board exams, thrust on
formative assessments, experiential learning at all stages, innovative and activity-based pedagogies to promote critical thinking, creativity and curiosity amongst the children, and establishing crucial role of foundational learning, the Policy envisions to transform the education system and make it compatible with the aspirations of the 21st century. - One of the major recommendations of NEP 2020 is emphasis on universal acquisition of foundational skills by all children at the end of Grade III. Foundational learning accounts for children’s ability to read and meaningfully comprehend, as well as use basic mathematical operations in real life. The policy clearly states that until we take urgent steps for improving foundational learning, the whole policy will become irrelevant.
Holistic Development of Learners
- NIPUN Bharat Mission has been envisioned to make learning Holistic, Integrated, Inclusive, Enjoyable, and Engaging. The Mission keeps in mind the underlying theme of NEP 2020 and focuses on holistic development of learners.
- The three developmental goals emphasised by the mission encompasses whole gamut of different domains of development like physical and motor development, socio-emotional development, literacy and numeracy development, cognitive development, spiritual and moral development, art, and aesthetic development which are interrelated and interdependent. These developmental aspects make child competent to deal with complex life situations.
- All these domains have been subsumed into three following major goals:
- Developmental Goal 1: Children maintain good health and well-being
- Developmental Goal 2: Children become effective communicators
- Developmental Goal 3: Children become involved learners and connect with their immediate environment.
Learning Outcomes (LOs) and its codification
- Learning Outcomes are specific and measurable statements that describe exactly what a student will be able to do. In order to achieve the competencies identified, learning outcomes under each goal have also been identified and codified to understand the progression of a child from one grade to another; these are codified from 3 years of preschool to grade III (level 1 to 6).
- Another distinctive feature of the NIPUN Bharat Mission is Lakshya Soochi or Targets for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy which has specifically been developed to generate greater awareness among the parents, community, volunteers, etc.
- The Lakshyas has been developed from Balvatika to Grade 3 and are based on the learning outcomes developed by the NCERT and international research and ORF studies.
- The existing 10+2 system has created a notion that class 10th and 12th are most important in terms of academic achievements and children are essentially required to do well in these classes.
- However, this perception requires to be changed and focus should be shifted to early classes as enough evidences are available which clearly show that if children are unable to attain foundational skills by Grade III, it become very difficult for them to fulfil the expectations of curriculum in higher classes.
- Grade III is the inflection point where children are expected to ‘read to learn’ and this is where children who have not made it, essentially get left behind and maintain flat learning trajectories. The time is now ripe for every citizen to understand importance of foundational learning and participate wholeheartedly in the endeavours to make NIPUN Bharat Mission a grand and sustainable success.
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Courtesy: Yojana