(GIST OF YOJANA) Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat [NOVEMBER-2018]
(GIST OF YOJANA) Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat
Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat
Rail transport is one of the most efficient and eco-friendly means for mass transportation of goods and passengers among the popular modes. India Railways has always has always committed itself towards adopting measures which are least detrimental to the environment, despite the impact of large-scale population and regional effects.
On October 2, 2014 on the occasion of 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Government of India officially launched the national level campaign, “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” to achieve the dream of a clean India by October 2 ,2019. Consequent to the launch of the national level campaign, the Ministry of Railways launched the Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat
Campaign with the mission to improve cleanliness across railway station premises and trains. Indian Railways has more than 8700 stations, running an average of over 13000 trains every day. Maintaining and improving cleanliness of these stations and trains is a moment task due to heavy footfalls/overcrowding. Uncontrolled usage nad passengers habits, particularly on trains and at major stations where passengers tend to remain for long hours.
Clean train Stations’ (CTS) are provided for limited mechanised cleaning services to passing through trains during their stoppage at selected stations enroute. So far 39 CTSs have been made operational across Indian Railways. Furthermore, to create awareness among passengers, cleanliness drivers have been launched by IR towards significant and sustainable improvements in cleanliness standards of trains and railway stations.
To assets the impact of cleanliness efforts at major stations, third party survey on cleanliness indicator is periodically being done at 407 major stations. Survey reports include guidelines for various steps to be taken to improve cleanliness standards.
Cleanliness Drive: Modalities
The mechanism of selecting the competent agency through the open, transparent , fair and competitive bidding process has been given impetus through process reforms for service contracts. Integrated Housekeeping Contracts have been put up in place at major stations to promote use of mechanised cleaning equipments and quality materials. General Conditions of Contracts(GCC) for service contracts has been introduced on Indian Railways to guide the Zonal Railways to tackle various situations governing the execution of service contracts Earlier, service contracts. Earlier, service contracts were also governed by GCC of works contract, which had different conditions focussing on creation/maintenance of assets and thus, were proving of service contracts.
In the new standard bid document issued for housekeeping of stations, coaching depots and trains, a 10 percent weightage has been given to use of type and quantity of consumables and machinery, in the evaluation of contractor’s performances which is linked to the monthly payments. Two-packet tendering system is followed. In addition to the minimum eligibility criteria, only the bidders scoring minimum 70 percent in technical evaluation stage will qualify for opening of financial bids. Provision of biometric attendance , payment linked to users feedback and price variation clause to ensure payment of minimum wages are some of the key features included to overcome manpower issues affecting housekeeping contracts. Zonal railways have started processing tenders based on this standards bid document. Empowerment of field officers has been done to cater to service exigencies. Notwithstanding, in case of complaints/unsatisfactory work regarding cleanliness, necessary action is taken to avoid such complaints and suitable penalty is imposed on the contractor as per contract conditions. Additional toilets at Railway Stations have been installed including Pay-and-Use toilets. Enforcement of Indian railways(Penalties for activities affecting cleanliness at railway premises) Rules 2012 has been intensified. Use of CCTVs for monitoring cleanliness activities at major stations has also been increased.
Effective Customer Engagement
Weekly intensive cleanliness drives have been undertaken at various railway stations in rotation by Zonal Railways. Theme based drivers are also undertaken from time to time with focus on cleanliness in different areas of railway working. Charitable Institution /Social Organisations including voluntary organisation have been associated to undertake cleanliness awareness campaigns. Use of social media, electronic media, public announcements etc. is being made to create awareness amongst rail users about cleanliness. An amount , of Rs. 2522 crores was spent on Cleanliness and sanitation, including bio-toilet by Railways in 2017-18.
Indian Railways have already introduced social media platform for customer engagement through twitter handles of the Ministry of Railways@ Rail Min India, facebook page “Ministry of Railways-India” as well as twitter handles of all Divisional Railway Managers of Indian Railways for effective customer engagement. This has proved to be a more effective interactive mechanism with passengers where issues are addressed on real time basis.
Passengers have begun to realise the power of social media and are now religiously resorting to Twitter and Facebook for quicker resolution of their issue and to speak response to their queries. Any passenger, touch with railways on real time basis for assistance. This facility was not available earlier The interactive mechanism with passengers works as under-
The official reads the tweet/post and tags it to the concerned authority(i.e. Zone/Division/Railway Board Directorate).
After a tweet/post reaches a division, concerned branch officer takes immediate action to provide the necessary help/assistance, thereby resolving the issue of the passenger. Once the issue gets resolved, the official tweets the status of the complain appropriately.
Tweets/posts received regarding ‘cleanliness and hygiene in coaches and stations, are taken care of through the above system on real time basis.
Along with forwarding such complains through Twitters, passengers are also made aware of the already existing system of “Clean My Coach” ( wherein one can SMS his PNR no. to 58888 to get their complaint registered for cleanliness at his seat ) and helpline no. 138 . In addition an online Complaint Management System (coms) is also functional where users can register their complaints.
Bio-Friendly Technology
Railways actively supported and participated in the drive launched by Government of India against Open Defecation (OD) on Sept 25, 2016. Bio-toilet technology has been developed jointly by Indian Railways (IR) and Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) . This environment friendly , low-cost and robust technology is the first of its kind in the railway system has been tested by DRDO conditions like those at Siachen Glacier. The biggest advantage of this technology is that the colony of anaerobic bacteria converts human waste management into water and biogases Dioxide CO2). The gases escape into the atmosphere and the waste water in discharged after disinfection on to the track . Raw human waste thus does not fall on the railway track and this keeps railway station premises /tracks clean. To avoid misuse of bio-toilets, awareness programmes to educate the passengers on ‘how to use bio-toilets dos and don'ts are regularly conducted by Zonal Railways by providing stickers in coach toilets, playing audio/video clipping and model display etc.
With an aim to provide clean and efficient toilets and to reduce the water consumption in toilets. IR is doing a trial of Bio-Vaccum Toilets area on the coach . The fecal matter gets digested in the bio-tanks on board. Integrated mechanised cleaning is being provided in over 1000 trains, mechanised laundries are being set up to improve quality of washing of linen provided to AC coach passengers .
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Solid Waste management
Solid Waste management is another important area to bring in visible change. To manage solid waste, segregation in three separate streams namely biodegradable (wet waste), non biodegradable (dry-waste) and hazardous waste is required. Railways have taken up a pilot project for disposal of municipal solid waste generated at railway terminals in an environment-friendly manner including conversation of waste to energy . Pilot plants are being set up at Jaipur and New Delhi which will convert bio-methanation process .Energy generated from these plants would be utilised for suitable services at or near the stations.
For the first time in 2016, railway stations (407 stations of A1 & A category ) were audited for cleanliness by an independent third party agency . These surveys have been repeated in 2017 and 2018. A similar survey on ranking of 210 important trains on cleanliness is also nearing completion.
The keys areas of achievement of cleanliness behind the success stories are as under- Reduction of plastic waste through bottle crushing machines.
Personal hygiene at railway stations through sanitary sanitary napkin vending machines. Outsourcing of cleanliness at major railway stations. Awareness initiatives carried out in schools, NGOs and communities. Disinfestations of coaches by authorised and approved agencies is being regularly Done to eradicate presence of cockroaches in coaches as per the following schedule: For AC coaches & pantry cars: Once in 15 days . Reserved non AC coaches: Once in 30 days. Unreserved non AC coaches: Once in 60 days Railways are conscious of its duties and responsibilities towards providing a reasonably safe, clean and healthy mode of transportation to its passengers . The tasks requires active co-operation of the users . There have been reports of vandalism, in appropriate use of facilities. While all attempts are made to restore facilities in good condition, it involves significant effort and money to do the same . Railways are, therefore, working on and seeking active involvement of all stakeholders in this effort of “Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat”.
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