(GIST OF YOJANA) Tapping sustainable energy alternatives [MAY-2019]
(GIST OF YOJANA) Tapping sustainable energy alternatives
Tapping sustainable energy alternatives
- Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations." which otherwise means economic development that is conducted without depiction of natural resources.
- India- which became a sovereign nation had to develop its agricultural resources and national infrastructure to meet sustenance of approximately 330 million people and take the country on a The rest of the world contributed 41 per development trajectory..
UPSC Pre General Studies Study Material
Until the 1970s, sustainable development
Way a head had never attracted the imagination of the
India has now embarked on a mission to global community. At the 1972 UN bring down the share of fossil fuels in its Conference in Stockholm, the world body energy basket, by raised concerns for preserving and enhancing the environment and its biodiversity to ensure human rights for a healthy and productive world.
The developing countries, including India, argued that their priority was development, whereas the developed countries made a case to bring environmental protection and conservation in the forefront of global agenda. Highlights of the WHO’s data
According to World Health Organisation, projected growth of achieving 40 percent climate change affects the social and of its total power generation from environmental determinants of health, non-fossil fuel sources by 2030, clean air, safe drinking water, food
To meet NDC target. The target would security and shelter. Between 2030 and place India among the world leaders in 2050, climate change is expected to cause renewable energy use approximately 2, 50,000 additional deaths
Crude import is a key factor in India's every year from malnutrition, diseases like current account deficit (CAD), which malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress. Its currently is 40 billion dollars or 1.9 percent cost to health is estimated to be between of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The 2 -4 billion US dollars a year by 2030. increasing CAD is a cause of concern for
India is a signatory to the landmark Paris the country and if it crosses the threshold Agreement on Climate Change, which has of 3 percent of GDP, it would badly affect brought all nations to a common cause to the economic stability.
Undertake efforts to combat climate
- Besides, India’s import is hugely affected change through Nationally Determined by the geopolitical situation. like the threat Contributions (NDCs) and to strengthen of sanctions by the United States on these efforts in the years ahead. imports from Iran.
- economic growth of around 8 per cent, sewage into biofuels. A
sewage treatment according to recent projections by the plant (STP) launched
in Delhi would
Global Carbon Project. India was among convert 10 lakh hires of sewage FHIO the four major emitters in 2017 (7 per three tones of biofuel per day. cent) along with China (27 per cent), the US (15 percent) and the EU (10 per cent).
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