(Download)  UPPSC : Mains Exam Paper 2023 (General Studies) Paper-1

(Download)  UPPSC : Mains Exam Paper 2023 (General Studies Paper-1)

State: Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC)

Subject: General Studies Paper-1

Year : 2023


Que No. Que Link Section/Subject Marks

Section A (8 Marks/Question)

1 Give an account of the Vedic literature.   8
2 Write a note on the contribution of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan a modern education.   8
3 Discuss the role of Sardar Patel in the unification of India after independence.   8
4 What kind of hindrances do regionalism create in the development of India?   8
5 ‘Unemployment is the only cause for the prevalent poverty in India’ Comment.   8
6 Do you agree with the statement that crime against women in India is increasing?   8
7 ‘Oceans are the store-house of resources.’ – Write a short note.   8
8 Soil profile plays an important role in agriculture. Do you agree?   8
9 Throw light on Rohingya refugee in South Asia.   8
10 Write a short note on Nine Number channel and its strategic importance.   8

Section B (12 Marks/Question)

11 Describe the architectural features of the temples of Nagar style.   12
12 Underline ideological dimensions of the uprising of 1857.   12
13 Evaluate the role of Bismarck in the unification of Germany.   12
14 How did Indian culture affect the world during Corona pandemic period?   12
15 Evaluate the role of woman organisations in woman empowerment.   12
16 The process of urbanization leads to development or devastation in the society. Write your views.   12
17 Discuss the causes and consequences of internal human migration in India.   12
18 Discuss the relationship between El Nino and south-east monsoon in India and its impact on agriculture.   12
19 Write a short note on temperate cyclones. How it impacts India ?   12
20 Discuss India’s mineral development policy.   12

उत्तर प्रदेश PSC (Preliminary) Exam (GS Paper-1) स्टडी किट

Uttar Pradesh PSC (Preliminary) Exam (GS Paper-1) Study Materials

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