(Syllabus) UPSC : CBI (DSP) LDCE Examination
(Syllabus) UPSC : CBI (DSP) LDCE Examination-2023
Syllabi of the Written Papers:-
PAPER-I (Objective Type)
Part-A General Studies
- Indus Valley Civilization- Characteristics, Early Vedic and Later Vedic Periods Society, Polity and Economy; India from Sixth century BCE to Gupta AgeMahajanapadas, Jainism and Buddhism, Mauryan Empire; Post Mauryan Age (Kushana, Satavahanas); Sangam Age; Imperial Guptas; Emergence of Regional Powers- Pala, Rashtrakuta, Pallava, Chola, Chahmana (Chauhan); Foundation, Expansion and Consolidation of Delhi Sultanate; Emergence and Consolidation of Mughal Empire; Bhakti and Sufi Movements; General discussion on the condition of Women from ancient to late medieval period; Ancient Indian Women Philosophers and Seers; Women Saints &Poets in ancient and medieval India.
- Establishment and Consolidation of British Rule in India; Indian National Movement (1857-1947) :1857- First War of Independence, Nationalist Trends up to 1919, Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement, Women Freedom Fighters and their contribution in freedom movements; Women achievers in different walks of life in modern India.
- Social and Religious Reform Movements; Role of Women Organizations and sociocultural changes brought by them in the Twentieth Century.
- Earth System: Evolution, Structure, Movements, Origin of Continents and Oceans;Tectonics; Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Work of Glaciers, Rivers, Winds and Oceans.Soil and Vegetation Types. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate: Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones. Oceanic Landforms, Tides and Currents.
- India: Location; Physiography, Drainage, Soils, Natural Vegetation. Monsoon and Seasons. Population Characteristics; Births, Deaths and Migration; Rural and Urban Settlements. Agriculture, Industry and Trade. Land, Water and Air transport, Communication and Information Technology. Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographical Information System (GIS). Natural and Man-made Hazards and Disasters. Disaster Management.
- Budgets of Government of India, Budget Deficits (Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit,Primary Deficit); Indian Financial System: Banking, Insurance and Stock market; Economic Reforms in India since 1991: Features; Human Development Index in IndiaParameters and Ranking; India and International Organizations: WTO, IMF and IBRD.
- Public Policies with Special Reference to Housing, Health, Drinking Water, Food Security, MGNREGA, NHRM, RTE; India’s foreign Policy: India’s Relations with Neighbouring Countries, India’s Relations with Major Power: USA, China.
Part-B Numerical Ability & Computer Proficiency
- Profit and loss, Prices and expenditure, Simple and Compound interest, Time and work, Speed and distance, Rationalization of real numbers, Fraction and ratios, Data interpretation, Polynomial and Roots of equations, Radian and degree measure, Fundamental trigonometric identities, Heights and distances, Number Series and Coding.
- CPU, Memory, I/O devices, UPS, Application software, System software, Memory units, Boolean operations, Number systems, Algorithms, Flowcharts, Operating systems, Multimedia, Computer networks, Ethernet, Modem, Router, Switch, Gateway Internet, Intranet, Email, Mobile communication technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, WiMax, Word processors, Presentation tools, Spreadsheets, Audio-Video conferencing, Search Engines, Web Browsers, E-commerce, Social networking, Virus, Worm, Firewall, Hacking, Spam, Malware.
Part-C Constitution of India
- Philosophy of the Constitution: Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties and Directive Principles; Union Executive: President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers; Union Parliament: Structure, Role and Functioning, Parliamentary Committees; Judiciary: Supreme Court, High Court, Judicial Review; Executive and Legislature in the Constituent States: Governor, Chief Minister, State Legislature; Federalism in India: Features, Centre-State Relations, Inter-State Relations.Major Constitutional amendments.
Paper-II English (Qualifying Paper) - Descriptive Type
Part A- Essay
Part B- Comprehension passages, precis writing, simple grammar and other aspects of language testing.
Paper – III Criminal Law (Descriptive Type)
Part – A
1. Criminal Justice System and Constitutional Protection
1.1 Right to Freedoms of Citizens
1.2 Restrictions on Freedoms
1.3 Protection in respect of Conviction for offences: Protection against Ex-Post Facto laws, Protection against Double Jeopardy & Protection against Self –incrimination
1.4 Right to Life and Personal Liberty: Right to fair justice, speedy trial and legal aid; procedural fairness
1.5 Rights of arrested Persons
1.6 Rights of Detainees under Preventive Detention Laws
1.7 Right to Constitutional Remedies and Public Interest Litigation
1.8 Constitutional Safeguards to Civil Servants
2. The Indian Penal Code, 1860
2.1 Application and Jurisdiction of the Code
2.2 General Explanations
2.3 General Exceptions
2.4 Abetment and Criminal Conspiracy
2.5 False Evidences and Offences against Public Justice: Fabricating False evidence, intentional Omission and false information, false charge of offence and harbouring offender
2.6 Offences relating to Coin and Government Stamps Coin: definition;Counterfeiting, making or selling and possession of instrument and material for the same; delivery or possession of counterfeit and counterfeiting Government stamp, possession, use and erasure of marks denoting use of stamp.
2.7 Offences against Human Body: Offences affecting life; hurt, grievous hurt; wrongful restraint and confinement; Kidnapping and Abduction and Sexual offences: Rape
2.8 Offences against Property: Theft Extortion, Robbery, Dacoity Criminal Misappropriation and Criminal Breach of Trust
2.9 Offences relating to Documents and Property Marks: Forgery, Making false document, valuable security, electronic records, counterfeiting device or mark and falsification of accounts, tempering with property mark and counterfeiting of Currency-notes and Bank-notes
2.10 Attempt to commit offences: Preparation and Attempt
2.11 Punishments under the Code
3. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
3.1 General Definitions
3.2 Relevancy of Facts; Admission; Confession
3.3 Opinions of Third Persons; Expert Opinion
3.4 Oral Evidence
3.5 Documentary Evidences: Primary and secondary; proof of signature,electronic signature; public and private document and presumptions to document
3.6 Burden of Proof: On whom burden of proof lies; presumption as to abetment of suicide of married Women and to dowry death
3.7 Witnesses; Competency of witnesses; Privileged Communications; Evidence as to affairs of state and official Communications
3.8 Examinations of witnesses
4. The Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946
4.1 Object and Reason for the Constitution of Special Police Force
4.2 Constitution & Powers of Special Police Establishment
4.3Superintendence & Administration of Special Policy Establishment
4.4 Extension of Powers and Jurisdiction of Special Establishment in other Area
4.5 Application of Section 26 of Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003 to the Delhi Special Policy Establishment Act, 1946
5. The Arms Act, 1959
5.1 Possession, Sale & Transport of Arms and Ammunition
5.2 Provision Relating to Grant, Refusal & Renewal of License
5.3 Powers and Procedures for Arrest, Search & seizure
5.4 Offences & Penalties for Secret contraventions, Possession and Contravention of License
5.5 Warehousing of Arms, Criminal Responsibility, Arrest & Search,Cognizance of offences.
6. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
6.1 Applicability of the Code
6.2 Definitions 6.3 Criminal Courts: Classification, Powers and Jurisdiction
6.4 Prosecution System: Public Prosecutors, Assistant Public Prosecutors and Directorate of Prosecutions
6.5 Arrest of Persons: Powers of Police to arrest, Procedure to arrest, and rights of arrested persons
6.6 Process of compel Appearance: Summons, Warrant of Arrest and Proclamation of Attachment
6.7 Process to compel Production of things : Summons, Searches and Seizures
6.8 Information to Police (FIR)
6.9 Investigation: Powers of Police and Procedure
6.10 Charge Sheet and Framing of Charges
6.11 Plea Bargaining: Application, Power of Court and Procedure
6.12 Bails: Different Kinds, Procedure Provisions as to Bails and Bonds
6.13 Reference, Revision and Appeals
6.14 Limitation for taking Cognizance of offences
7. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
7.1 Meaning of Public Duty and Public Servant
7.2 Jurisdiction of Special Judges
7.3 Offences under the Act: Public servant taking illegal gratification, criminal misconduct by Public Servant, abetment of offences, Habitual Commission of Offences etc.
7.4 Sanction for Prosecution: Power of Government and Procedure
7.5 Investigation of Offences: Powers of Police and Procedure
8. The Information Technology Act, 2000
8.1 Scope and applicability of the Act
8.2 Definitions: Computer, computer network, computer resource, computer system, Data, Digital Signature, Electronic record, Information and Intermediary
8.3 Penalty for damage to computer, computer system
8.4 Offences under the I.T. Act: Hacking , Data Theft, Cheating by Impersonation,Publishing / Transmitting Obscene Information, Phishing
8.5 Penalty for damage to computer and computer system
8.6 Penalties and Punishments for offences under the Act
8.7 Liability of Network Service Providers
9. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
9.1 Scope and Application of the Act
9.2 Definitions: Proceeds of Crime, offence of Cross Border Implications, Definition of Money Laundering
9.3 Powers of Authorities & Procedure: Summons, Searches and Seizures,Attachment, Adjudication and Confiscation
9.4 Obligations of Banking Companies, Financial Institutions and Intermediaries
9.5 Evidence as to affairs of state and official Communications and Powers of Police
9.6 Powers and Jurisdiction of Special Courts
10. The Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018
10.1 Applicability of the Act
10.2 Definitions: Fugitive Economic offender, Proceeds of Crime,
10.3 Declaration of Fugitive Economic offenders : Power and Procedure
10.4 Confiscation of Property of Fugitive Offenders: Procedure for Survey, searches ,seizures & attachment of property
11. The Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003
11.1 Constitution of Central Vigilance Commission
11.2 Functions and Powers of central vigilance Commission
11.3 Action Taken in Good Faith, Report of inquiry & Reference
11.4 Power to Make Rule and Regulations, Repeal and Saving
11.5 Appointment of Officers of Directorate of Enforcement
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