(Notification) UPSC : Combined SO (Grade B) LDC Examination, 2023
(Notification) UPSC : Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2023
F.No. 9/4/2023-E.I (B) The Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the year 2023 for the Services mentioned in Para 2 below will be held by the Union Public Service Commission on 9th -10th December, 2023.
In respect of Category III (i.e the Section Officers’ Grade of RBSS), the seniority list of Assistant Section Officers’ grade is under challenge, the result of Category-III (i.e. the Section Officers Grade of RBSS) for the year 2023 would be provisional subject to the outcome of the pending court cases (O.A. No.114/2022 and 215/2022), before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi and revision of seniority list of Assistant Section Officers (ASOs) Grade of RBSS, if any.
Category I
- Section Officers’ Grade of the Central Secretariat Service
Category II
- Sections Officer Grade of the General Cadre of the Indian Foreign Service, Branch ‘B’
Category III
- Section Officers’ Grade of the Railway Board Secretariat Service
Category VIII
- Section Officers’ Grade of the Intelligence Bureau
Category X
- Section Officers in Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
Category XI
- Assistant Director/Section Officers/Manager Gr.I in Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
N.B. - Candidates must indicate clearly in their applications the Category for which they are competing.
Online Question Paper Representation Portal (QPRep)
The Commission has introduced a time frame of 7 days (a week) i.e. from the next date of the Examination Date to 6.00 p.m. of the 7th day is fixed for the candidates to make representations to the Commission on the questions asked in the Papers of the Examination. Such representation must be submitted through the “Online Question Paper Representation Portal (QPRep)” only by accessing the URL http://upsconline/nic/in/miscellaneous/QPRep/. No representation by email/post/hand or by any other mode shall be accepted and the Commission shall not involve into any correspondence with the candidates in this regard. No representation shall be accepted under any circumstances after this window of 7 days is over.
How To Apply:
a. Candidates must apply Online by using the link given in the website www.upsc.gov.in. In case the applicant has not yet registered in the One Time Registration (OTR) platform, the link of which is already available on the Commission’s website, he/she should register in this platform and thereafter proceed for filling up the online application for the examination. The Online Application Form can be filled from 21st September, 2023 to 4th October, 2023 till 6.00p.m. after which the link will be disabled.
b. Candidates should ensure that all columns of the Online Application Form are filled in correctly. No correspondence will be entertained by the Commission from candidates to change any of the entries made in the Application Form.
Important Dates:
- Application Begin : 25/02/2023
- Last Date for Apply Online : 17/03/2023 upto 06 PM Only.
Courtesy: UPSC