(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2020 AGRICULTURE (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 AGRICULTURE (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020  AGRICULTURE (Paper I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1.Describe the following in 150 words each:

(a) What is tillage ? Why zero tillage is getting importance in Indian Agriculture.

(b) Describe in-situ and ex-situ management of Paddy Crop residue (Parali) in India. 

(c) Write ditferent elements of weather affecting crop production with suitable examples. 

(d) Write the scope and needs of (Agroforestry) in India. 

(e) What are the instilutional arrangements and mechanism for imparting raining for  extension workers in India ?  

2.(a) Differentiate between the followings :

(a)(i). Fertigation and Herbigation  

(a)(ii). Agroforestry and Agrostology  

(a)(iii). Cooperative Societies and Non-Govemmental Organizations (NGOs)  

(a)(iv). Dry land farming and Imigated farming

(b) Enlist and cxplain the etfects of tFarmers (Empowerment and protection) agreement on  price assurance and tarm service Act-2020) on small and medium famers in India. 

(c) Explain El-Nino effect. Give causes and its impact on Indian Agriculture. 

Q3.(a) Whal are the major causes of low productivity of oilseed and pulse crops in India ? Suggest  stralegies for increasing the production and productivity of oilseed crops in the country.

(b) Describe the causes of increasing threats of Parthenium weed in the country.  Write integraled methods of weed management with suitable examples. 

(c) What is contingent crop planning ? How it helps in dry land agriculture ? 

Q4.(a) Descrnbe training methods suitable for small and marginal farmers and agriculture labours.  Explain the contribution of self-help groups in Agriculture development in India. 

(b) Define water harvesting along with different methods of water harvesting in India. write  govenmental initiatives to promote rain water harvesting. 

(c) Describe cnvironmental pollution. Write the role of afforestation in minimizing the effccts  of environmental pollution.  

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5.Describe the following in about 150 words cach:

(a) Define water use efficiency and water productivity. List the crops having high and low water use efficiency.  

(b) Explain the institutional infrastructure of Agriculhural marketing in India.

(c) Indian farmers usually choose crops and their vaieties based on their socio-economic aspects and resources at their disposal. Critically comment. 10  

(d) What is diversified system of faming ? How it is bencficial to small and marginal farmers n India ?  

(e) What is integrated nutrient management (INM) ? Explain the limitations in practice of INM  at famers level in india.  

Q6.(a) What is scheduling of irrigation in crops? What are the important factors considered 20  while deciding irrigation schedules for difierent rgions and Crops.  

(b) Enlist and explain the methods of evaluation of extension programmes. Explain what  Kind of quaitative changes can be achieved by adopting educational approach in extension programmes. 

(c) Describe precision agriculture and conservation agriculture.  

Q7.(a) Define crop weed competition. Describe various factors affecting crop weed competition  Explain the factors affecting the efficacy of herbicides.

(b) What do you mean by problematic soil ? How soil is converted into problematie soil  Explain various methods of reclamation of saline-alkali-soils. 

(c) What is farm budgeting? Explain diferent types of farm budgeting.  

Q8.(a) Rice-wheat crop rotation is very common in north Indian Agriculture. Discuss  and describe the advantages and disadvantages of this crop rotation according to the  principles of crop rotation. 

(b) Describe the production technology of sugarcane crop on the following heads:  

(i) Improved varieties  

(ii) Methods of sowing and seed rate  

(iii) Fertilizers and irigation management  

(iv) Tnter culture operations  

(v) Plant protection 

(c) Describe the principles of soil fertility. Explain the role of biofertilizers in enhancing  the soil fertility. 

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UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit