(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - Geography (Paper-2)
(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 Geography (Paper-2)
- Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Geography (Paper-II)
- Marks: 250
- Time Allowed: 3 Hours
- Year : 2019
Q1.(a) On the outline map of india provided to you,mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCR Booklet the significance the these locations whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/enviromental/culture, not more than 30 words for each entry :
(i) Vadhawan
(ii) Salkhan
(iii) Coorg
(iv) Mhow
(v) Umroi
(vi) Thoothukudi
(vii) Bargarh
(viii) Atal Tunnel .
(ix) Gurushikhar.
(x) Bum La
(b) Climate change has unsettled the rhythm of seasons.Comment with examples and empirical evidences.
(c) Discuss the method of crops residue management in rural india to reduce pollution.
(d) Has the regional aspiration of the people of jammu and kashmir been addressed throgh re-organisation of the state? Make an assessment.
Q2.(a) Identifying areas covered under tribal sum-plan,discus the programmers intiated to address to their problems.
(b) Soil type in india, classifield on the basis of colour,possess speific chemical and mineral characteristics.Dicuss.
(c) The Pharmaceutical industry in india depend on the import of raw material. Evaluate this statement in viewe of the Indo-Chinese relationship.
Q3.(a) India has opened-up its space to private sectore for settlite based activities. Critically examine its implications indicating the major security concerns.
(b) Identify oilseeds producing areas in India and the dicusse the measure to promote edible oil industry.
(c) Give a reasoned geographical account of changing rural folk houses in india.
Q4.(a) Border are development is an important national priority. What are the resilient steps needed for peaceful borders?
(b) Stunting and wasting among children are major consequense of food in insecurity.Discuss various schemes of Government of India to address insecurity. Address these problems and their achievements.
(c) The Essential Commodities (Amendment)Bill 2020 aims to deregulate the production, supply and distribution of farm produce. Critically examine its spatial consequences.
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Q5.Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) The success of Panchayati Raj depends upon meaningful participation of people grassroot level. Examine.
(b) Elucidate the benefits of neem coated urea scheme for indian agriculture.
(c) Canal irrigation has led to monocropping in India. Explain with suitable exmples.
(d) The pattern of growing ecological foot-prints is uneven in nature. Analyse with reference to land resources in India.
(e) Identify challenges faced by generative and parasitic towns in India and their possible remedies.
Q6.(a) Digital Divide in India needs quick redressal to reduce regional disparity in dvelopment. Elaborate with suitable examples.
(b) Awalanche is a major hazard in the Himalayas. What are its causes and mitigation measures?
(c) The process of demographic transition is not uniform in India. Examine this statement in the context of demographic transition theory.
Q7.(a) Demarcating the seismic zones of India, suggest suitable interventions requiered most sensitive seismic zones for sustainable hunman settlements.
(b) What are the characteristics of Blue Flag certified beaches? Discuss their significance for beach tourism in India.
(c) Urban sprawl around planned cities evolve leading to emergence of squater settlements. Discuss the advantages and disadvatages of such outgrowth.
Q8.(a) Analyse the changing nature of workforce composition vis-à-vis rural-urban divide in India.
(b) Describe the economic, maritime and strategic interests of India in South China Sea.
(c) What kind of skill promotion programmes have been initiated for job deficient regions in India ? Explain.