(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2021 Agriculture (Paper-1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 Agriculture (Paper I)
- Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 Agriculture (Paper I)
- Marks: 250
- Time Allowed : Three Hours
Q1. Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50
(a) The major ways for sustainable management of natural resources
(b) Improved agro-practices for the production of quality protein maize
(c) Social forestry and various schemes related to social forestry
(d) The major weeds of rice and their management practices under both upland and lowland conditions
(e) Biofertilizers and the major constraints in popularization of biofertilizers
Q2.(a) What is greenhouse effect? Write in detail about various greenhouse gases and their impact on crop production. 20
(b) What is the role of new agricultural technologies and market policies in crop diversification? Discuss in detail. 20
(c) Discuss the activity and selectivity of herbicides.
Q3.(a) What do you understand by agroforestry? Discuss various types of agroforestry systems in India with the help of examples. 20
(b) What do you mean by Site-Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM)? Write the steps and recommendations for implementing SSNM in major cereals.
(c) Discuss various international conventions and recent global initiatives pertaining to climate change. 10
Q4.(a) What are the factors responsible for declining soil fertility? Discuss various measures adopted for improving soil productivity. 20
(b) Define Integrated Farming System (IFS). How can IFS improve the income of different landholding groups?
(c) Describe the major biological control methods of weeds.
UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit
Q5. Describe Q. Nos. 5(a), 5(c), 5(d), 5(e) and answer Q. No. 5(b) (in about 150 words each) : 10x5=50
(a) Technologies and policies for sustained crop production in rainfed agriculture
(b) Define Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Discuss various initiatives to promote ICTs in agriculture.
(c) The Minimum Support Price (MSP) and its determination
(d) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and its progress
(e) Parameters for determination of quality of irrigation water
Q6.(a) Define soil erosion and its different forms. Explain agronomic and mechanical measures to reduce the adverse effects of soil erosion in crop production. 20
(b) What is irrigation potential of India and how can it be increased through rain water harvesting?
(c) Discuss cooperative marketing with successful case studies. 20
Q7.(a) Define ecology. Mention its basic concepts and relevance in crop production.
(b) How to improve drainage of waterlogged areas? Discuss the advantages and limitations of drip and sprinkler irrigation methods.
(c) Discuss various approaches of extension. Describe the recent emerging concepts in transfer of technology. 10
Q8.(a) Critically examine the major extension programmes of agricultural sector in India. Suggest different measures to improve technology dissemination and adoption at farmer's field. 20
(b) Discuss the success and failure of agricultural price policy since its inception. Discuss the recent initiatives/changes in agricultural price policy.
(c) Discuss the value addition of forest products.