UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : Supreme Court & High Courts: Powers, functions and
- State arguments for and against advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court. (93/I/1d/20)
- “The law declared by the Supreme Court of India shall be binding on all
courts within the territory of India.” Discuss. (94/I/1c/20)
- Do you agree with the view what it is not possible to define limitations
on the exercise of discretionary jurisdiction vested in the Supreme Court by
Article 136? Give reasons for your answer. (95/l/3b/30)
- “The High Court’s power of superintendence under Article 227 is of an
administrative as well as of judicial nature.” Discuss. (96/I/1d/20)
- Impendence if judiciary being a basic feature of the Constitution,
appointment of judge should not be influenced by political considerations.
Comment (99/I/1d/20)
- The powers under Article 226 confer a discretion of the most extensive
nature on the High Courts. But the very vastness of the powers conferred on
the High Court imposes on it the responsibility to use them with
circumspection. Discuss briefly the principles which would regulate the
exercise of the jurisdiction under Article 226. (03/I/4b/30)
- Article 136 does not confer a right of appeal on a party as such but it
confers a wide discretionary power on the Supreme Court to grant Special
Leave to Appeal in suitable cases. Discuss. (03/I/2b/30)
- What is Judicial activism? In this context evaluate the contribution of
the Supreme Court of India, which is empowered to act as the guardian of the
constitutional provisions.(04/I/ ld/20)
- Discuss the scope of the Original and Advisory Jurisdictions of the
Supreme Court of India. Also give in brief your response to the view that
the Advisory Jurisdiction to be abolished. (05/I/2b/30)
- Discuss in detail the advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of
India. Is the Supreme Court opinion binding on all courts? (07/I/3b/30)
- Examine the scope of the ‘Special Leave Jurisdiction’ of the Supreme
Court as expounded by the Supreme Court of India. (08/I/1c/20)
- Locus standi is necessary for challenging an administrative action,
through a write petition. How has it been liberalised in case of public
interest litigation? Comment on the statement that “PIL is not a PILL
against all the ILLS.” (10/I/2b/20)
- Critically examine the role of the Supreme Court of India in the
maintenance of minimum standards in public life and polity. Opine on how
much of it is enforcement ofthe rule of law and how much of it is judicial
activism. (10/I/3a/30)
- In recent times the role of governor in the been impugned and it is said
that the Court has assumed the role of the Governor and the Speaker,
Comment. Refer to recent cases where the Supreme Court has directed to take
composite floor test and report to the court. (10/I/3b/30)
- “The Judiciary by usurping the powers of the other two organs of the
Government in certain matter has diluted the theory of separation of
powers.” Do you agree? Examine critically? (11/I/1b/15)