Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET -3
Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET -3
Passage 1: Instruction for question- read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Your answers to the questions should be based on the passage only.
It needs to be clarified that environmental flows consist only of the quality of water but also represents the annual hydrogen establishing the period icing of ht flows. They represent a package of water flows and its periodicity throughout a year. Such a modified flow pattern that maintains the periodicity of flow in rivers, lakes or aquifers but changes the quality of flows by abstracting is know as mimicking of the natural flow’. Under the managed hydrological regime, while the flows would exist in a sub pristine state, a mimicking allocating would endure that the aquatic ecosystems and services provided by them are not threatened with activation but are damaged to and agreed and predetermined extent.In principle, such an arrangement of compromise often a platform of negotiated settlement of conflict over shorter economic use and long-term ecological sustainability of water systems. This will be most useful for policy making and management related to large structural interventions on water systems. Such a mechanism for conflict resolution based on environmental flows in however, in a nascent stage and needs substantial before it can help decision making in government, judiciary etc. in the absence of such a refinement and clear conceptualization decision run the risk of being premature and counterproductive.
1. The passage mentions that “ they represent a package of water flows” have ‘they’ refers to a package of water flows”. Hence ‘they’ refers to:
(a) The annual hydrograph
(b) The periodicity of water flows
(c) Environmental flows
(d) Quantity of water in rivers
2. Consider the following statements
1. Long term sustainability of ecosystem is not possible
2. Establishing the periodicity of the flows in easy
Select the correct answers using the codes given below:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. What does passage refer to the arrangement as ‘compromise’?
(a) To provide platforms for resolving conflicts related to water systems
(b) It is very useful for policy making and management
(c) It is the best alternative for negotiating the settlement of conflicts.
(d) Because the arrangement will damage aquatic ecosystem to and agreed and
predetermined extend.
4. ‘Sub-pristine state’ in the passage refers to :
(a) Natural aquatic systems
(b) Polluted aquatic systems
(c) Aquatic systems controlled by humans
(d) Only partially clear water systems
5. According to the package, which should be the first step towards setting various conflicts over water resources?
1. Negotiating related short-term and long- term issues.
2. Making water systems sustainable.
Select the correct answers using the codes given below:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
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Passage 2: Instruction for question- read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Your answers to the questions should be based on the passage only.
What the poverty line should be in dictated partly by the values pertaining
to redistribution and partly by the ‘surplus’ income in society. This is fair.
What is questionable are the policies derived from this goal, policies that are
generally a license for state
inefficiency and state corruption. For example, there is an elaborate machinery
to procure foodgrains from farmers, store them, more than across states and sell
them in ration shops at ‘subsidized’ prices. This elaborate procedure ensures
considerable leakages and corruption, and leads to the absurd reality that at
present there are about-20 million tons of grains rotting in government godowns.
The ideology behind these policies in one of the individuals articulating them
knowing ‘better’, which gets translated in to the state knowledge better. The
ideology in one of ‘Loco Parentis’ e.g. a parent is needed to guide the
itinerant peasant. It is this same logic that leads some to proclaim that we
should preserve the adivasis lifestyle, even if it means keeping them
permanently in poverty. Have the adivasis even been asked whether they want
their children to go through the same lifestyle as themselves or do they desire
ever increasing opportunities and incomes as the rest of us on this planet?
There is little logic to the plethora of policies ration shops, food for work,
fertilizer subsidies that masquerado as policies meant for poor. This is where
ideology is present in large- ‘in name of the poor’ amenities. Given that the
goal of poverty reduction and equal opportunities is universally accepted, and
politically correct, it should follow that only those policies should be adopted
which maximize redistribution to the poor at minimum cost.
6. The passage reflect ‘poverty line’ as-
(a) It should not be completely guided by ‘surplus income in society.
(b) It is not dependent on what is fair.
(c) It depends only on the ideology of the person who interprets the policies
(d) Its goal is to question state inefficiency and state corruption
7. According to passage, which among following in unfair?
1. Policies that encourage state inefficiency and corruption.
2. Policies that concentrate on redistribution and not a ‘surplus income’.
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
8. Consider the following statements:
1. There are too many policies meant for the poor.
2. Ideology of and ‘individual’, affects the interpretation of any policy.
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
9. Consider the following statements.
1. We should aim for equal opportunity for all as it is universally accepted.
2. Loco parentis ideology in to guide the itinerant peasant.
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
10. The policy includes-
(a) Ration shops
(b) Food for work
(c) Fertilizer subsidies
(d) All of these
1 (A), 2 (B), 3 (A), 4 (D), 5 (C), 6 (A), 7 (B), 8 (C), 9 (D), 10 (C)
CSAT Paper-2 Study Material for UPSC Prelims Exam
UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre+Mains+Interview Combo Notes)