Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET - 64
Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET - 64
Passage : Instruction for question- read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Your answers to the questions should be based on the passage only. Western sanctions once ‘targeted’ and now blanket, are turning into a form of collective punishment. They are designed, we are told, to force the Islamic government to return to the nuclear negotiating table. Western policies also seen to believe the punishing the Iranian people might lead them to blame their own government for their misery and take it upon themselves to force a change in the regime’s behavior, or even a change in the regime itself. But as the old British maxim recognized, deprivation in Iran is a receipe for the status quo Iran’s government and its people have never been isolationists. But a sanctions take their toll on the livelihoods of Iranians who want to continue to do business and communicate with the outside world, their energy to question their government’s policies and to agitate for change is waning. That means for fewer opportunities to promote American values and win minds, if not hearts (which we Americans have won in the past but are now in danger of losing)
1. the passage mentions the “ deprivation in Iran is a recipe for the status quo”. What does it imply?
1. Deprivation in Iran has been a consequence of the government’s rule there.
2. Deprivation in Iran does not have the effect that western sanctions aim to
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
2. With reference to the passage, consider the following statements.
1. Western sanctions need to be targeted to be effective.
2. Western sanctions have been aimed to promoting American values.
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
3. According to author.
1. A change in regime would make Iran resume nuclear negotiations.
2. Sanctions have made the Iranians less supportive of America
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
4. The passage mentions which country
(a) Iran
(b) Syria
(c) Iraq
(d) None of these
5. According to the passage.
1. The Iranians have started blaming their own government for misery.
2. Iran’s government and its people have been isolationists.
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
CSAT Paper-2 Study Material for UPSC Prelims Exam
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Passage: Instruction for question- read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Your answers to the questions should be based on the passage only. We have welcomed the market and the radical change into economy, even if half the population continues to be below poverty line or generally impoverished. The important lacuna is that we have avoided discussion on the ensuring change in social and individual ethics, brought about by globalization; a change which is only too evident in daily life. If money is to be the major criterion of human worth, then will the social ethic of earlier times and situations have to be replaced by social ethic and mean the totality of the ethics of a society. To treat globalization as entirely a matter of changing the economy is to hoodwink ourselves.
6. Which is main part of the passage?
(a) Globalization has not removed the need for social ethics.
(b) Globalization has contributed to poverty in the country
(c) Social ethics needs to change with globalization
(d) Globalization and ethics do not go together.
7. What does the author means by ‘social ethics”
(a) How an ethical society evolves
(b) Importance of ethics in a society
(c) Totality of ethics of a society
(d) Integration of a society with its ethics
8. Consider the following statements:
1. We welcome radical change even if the way population continues to be below
poverty line
2. Globalization brought out social and political ethics
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
9. What is major criterion of human?
(a) Money
(b) Development
(c) Social ethics
(d) None of these
10. Consider the following statements:
1. To treat globalization in entirely a matter of changing the economy
2. Social ethics implies that totality of the ethics of a society
Choose the correct option using codes
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1, nor 2
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (c) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (a)
CSAT Paper-2 Study Material for UPSC Prelims Exam
UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre+Mains+Interview Combo Notes)