Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET - 81
Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET - 81
There is a Portuguese word ‘Saudade’, a word that makes into lists of those hardest to translate into English. It describes a deep, heart-crushing nostalgic longing for something someone loves, something someone lost. That is the word to describe the emotion that must have driven Housefull: The Golden Age of Hindi Cinema, edited by Ziya Us Salam. This record of notable films from the 1950s and 1960s is written by journalists Ziya Us Salam, Suresh Kohli, Anuj Kumar, and Vijay Lokapally.
How do you write about films you obviously love? It is a tricky feat to accomplish. You could part the curtains and delve into the inside story, which could slip into gossip magazine territory. Or you could start analysing these movies as compositions of images and signs. It could range from insightful to boring, at worst pretentious. Or you use the movies as a starting point and funnel out the discussion into the social, economic, and political context, and then land in academic territory.
1. You are meeting a co- worker for the first time outside work. He is late half an hour. How will you react?
(a) Tell him that you don’t appreciate waiting for so long and in future he
should take care of this
(b) Ask him the reason of being late
(c) Wait for sometime and then you go to your home
(d) Ask indirectly that if something happened to make him late.
2. You have started a business by taking loan from a bank. But, your business failed miserably what will you do in future?
(a) You will pay the loan anyhow and then run.
(b) You will study your failure and establish your business again
(c) You will again try to establish another business
(d) You will leave everything.
3. You are the director of a big company. To motivate your subordinates, you have decided to pay them perks and incentives. Paying incentives can be done except when.
(a) Output is hard to achieve
(b) Delays are consistent.
(c) Employees have no over control quality
(d) Employees have no over the productivity.
4. A team is performing extremely good and is a paramount example of team work. When of the following may be the primary force in the success of the team?
(a) Cohesiveness among members.
(b) Collective responsibility
(c) The team leader
(d) Both (a) and (b).
5. An officer has decided to survey his district identify the problems in the area and important a few policies to benefit the people. But the policies did not succeed the Reason for this failure could be
(a) He was unexperienced and hence could not identify the problems correctly
(b) He had no knowledge about the district.
(c) He had sufficient resources for the implementation of his policies.
(d) His implementation way was good.
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6. You are a supervisor in an organization which of the following do you think correct for effective supervision
(a) Concern for employees and mutual trust.
(b) Supremacy over employees.
(c) Comments on other employees.
(d) No informal interaction
7. To ensure effective formal communication one must rely on
(a) Ruler and policies of the organization
(b) Deep relation between the employees.
(c) Organization structure.
(d) Positive attitude.
8. During the peak time too much work load exists. How do you tackle with it?
(a) You will make your subordinates work and give them overtime.
(b) You will appreciate the subordinates, who performed will and use are willing
to work hard.
(c) You will demand additional work force.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Direction: In each of the following questions two statements are given and there statements are followed by two conclusions numbered (i) & (ii). You have to take the given two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer
(a) if only (i) conclusion follows
(b) if only (ii) conclusion follows
(c) if neither (i) nor (ii) follows
(d) if both (i) and (ii) follow
9. Statements:
All the research scholars are psy- chologists.
Some psychologists are scientists.
(i) All the research scholars are sci-entists.
(ii) Some research scholars are scientists.
(iii) Some scientists are psychologists.
(iv) Some psychologists are research scholars.
(a) only (iii) and (iv)
(b) None of the four
(c) All of the four
(d) only (iii)
1 (d) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (b) 9 (b)
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