Model Questions for UPSC PRE GS PAPER SET - 6
Model Questions for UPSC PRE GS PAPER SET - 6
1. Which of the following authorities has the power to declare an area as disturbed area under the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA).
(a) President of India
(b) Governor of a state
(c) Both the President and governor of a state
(d) Armed Forces
2. Which of the following statements relating to executive clemency is not correct?
(a) The power excercised by the President under Article 72 is judicially
(b) A mercy petitioner does not enjoy the right to be heard before the
(c) The President but not the Governor of a state enjoys the power to reduce
death sentence to life imprisonment.
(d) The power under Article 72 is excercised by the President on the aid and
Advice of the council of Minister.
3. Consider the following statements.
(1) The governor may with hold His assent to the bill, the bill then ends and
does not become an Act.
(2) Governor can summon or proroque the state legislature but cannot dissolve
the state legislative assembly.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) None of above
4. Consider the following statements.
(1) Governor makes appointments, postings and promotions of the district
judges is consultation with the supreme court.
(2) Governor is consulted by the President while appointing the judges of the
concerned state high court.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
5. Consider the following statements.
(1) Governor nominates one-sixth of the member of the state legislative
council from amongst persons having special knowledge.
(2) Governor can nominate one member to the state legislature assembly from the
Anglo-Indian community.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
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UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre+Mains+Interview Combo Notes)
6. Consider the following statements.
(1) The 52nd Amendment Act 1985 provided for the disqualification of the
Member of Parliament.
(2) An independent member can be disqualified if He joins any political party
after election.
(3) If the nominated member joins any political party after six month from the
date on which he takes his seat in the house then member will disqualified.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 & 3 only
(c) 1 & 3 only
(d) All of the above
7. Consider the following statements.
(1) The Antidefection law gives for the first time a clear-cut constitutional
recognition to the existence of political parties.
(2) The total number of Minister including the Prime Minister in the central
council of Minister shall not exceed 15% of the total strenght of the Lok Sabha.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
8. Consider the following statements.
(1) The inter-state council was set up under Article 283 of the constitution
of India by the President in 1990.
(2) The President is the chairman of the inter-state council.
(3) In inter-state council, the Six Central Cabinet Ministers, including the
Home Minister, to be nominated by the President.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 & 3 only
(b) 1 only
(c) 1 & 2 only
(d) All of the above
9. Which of the following statements meets the objective of the zonal councils.
(1) To achieve an emotional integration of the country.
(2) To secure some kind of political equilibrium between different regions of
the country.
(3) To enable the centre and states to cooperate with each other in social and
economic matters.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 & 3 only
(b) 1 & 2 only
(c) 2 & 3 only
(d) All of the above
10. Consider the following statements about zonal council.
(1) Northern Zonal council Headquarter situated in New Delhi.
(2) Central Zonal council Headquarter established in Madhya Pradesh.
(3) North-Eastern council Headquarter established in Meghalaya.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 & 3 only
(c) 1 & 3 only
(d) 1, 2 & 3 only
UPSC Pre Exam General Studies Study Material
UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre+Mains+Interview Combo Notes)
1 (D), 2 (C), 3 (A), 4 (B), 5 (C), 6 (D), 7 (A), 8 (B), 9 (D), 10 (A)