(Physical Standards) UPSC (IAS) Civil Services Examinations
(Physical Standards) UPSC (IAS) Civil Services Examinations
Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to Civil Services Examination, 2020 as per guidelines given in Appendix-III of Rules for Examination published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 12th February, 2020.
21. A candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties as an officer of the service. A candidate who after such medical examination as
Government or the appointing authority, as the case may be, may prescribe, is found not to satisfy these requirements will not be appointed. Any candidate called for the Personality Test by the Commission may be required to undergo medical examination. The medical examination shall be conducted by the Government in Delhi in the hospitals as to be decided as per requirement. The decision of the Government regarding the date, venue and suitability of the candidate for appointment to a service shall be final. No fee shall be payable to the Medical Board by the candidate for the medical examination including the case of appeal :
Provided further that Government may constitute a special Medical Board with experts in the area for conducting the medical examination of Persons with Benchmark Disability.
Note :—In order to prevent disappointment, candidates are advised to have themselves examined by a Government Medical Officer of the standing of a Civil Surgeon, before applying for admission to the examination. Particulars of the nature of the medical test to which candidates will be subjected before appointment and of the standards required are given in Appendix III to these Rules. For the disabled ex-Defence Services Personnel, the standards will be relaxed consistent with the requirements of the Service(s).
22. The eligibility for availing reservation against the vacancies reserved for the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities shall be the same as prescribed in “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act, 2016)” :
The candidates of Multiple Disabilities will be eligible for reservation under category (e)-Multiple Disabilities only of Section 34(1) of RPwD Act, 2016 and shall not be eligible for reservation under any other categories of disabilities i.e.
(a) to (d) of Section 34(1) of RPwD Act, 2016 on account of having 40% and above impairment in any of these categories of PwBD.
Provided further that the Persons with Benchmark Disability shall also be required to meet special eligibility criteria in terms of Functional Classification and Physical Requirements (abilities/disabilities) (FC&PR) consistent with
requirements of the identified service/post as may be prescribed by its cadre controlling authority. A list of Services identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disability along with the Functional Classifications and Physical
Requirements is at Appendix-IV. The Functional Classification and Physical Requirements (FC&PR) can, for example, be one or more of the following :
S Sitting
ST Standing
W Walking
SE Seeing
H Hearing/Speaking
RW Reading and Writing
C Communication
MF Manipulation by Finger
PP Pushing & Pulling
L Lifting
KC Kneeling and Croutching
BN Bending
OH Orthopaedically Handicapped
VH Visually Handicapped
OA One Arm
OL One Leg
BA Both Arms
BL Both Legs
BH Both Hands
MW Muscular Weakness
OAL One Arm One Leg
BLA Both Legs and Arms
BLOA Both Legs One Arm
LV Low Vision
B Blind
D Deaf
HH Hard of Hearing
M Movement
CP Cerebral Palsy
LC Leprosy Cured
DW Dwarfism
CL Climbing
JU Jumping
AAV Acid Attack Victims
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