(Download) UPSC Topper Akshat Kaushal Sociology Study Notes in PDF
(Download) UPSC Topper Akshat Kaushal Sociology Study Notes in PDF
Sociology Study Notes :
Paper-1 Contents :
- Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of sociology
- Protest, agitation, social movement, collective action and revolution
- Power elite, bureaucracy, pressure groups and political parties
- Nation, state, citizenship, democracy, civil society, ideology.
- Family, household and marriage + Types and forms of family + Lineage and descent
- Patriarchy and sexual division of labour
- Contemporary trends in marriage
- Sociology and other social sciences
- Sociology and Common sense
- Science, scientific method and critque
- Positivism and its critique
- Fact, value and objectivity
- Variables, sampling, hypothesis, reliability and validity
- Quantitative and qualitative methods
- Techniques of data collection
- Robert K Merton: Latent and manifest functions, Conformity and deviance, and reference groups
- Mead: Self and Identity
- Karl Marx: Historical Materialism, Mode of Production, Alienation, and class struggle
- Max Weber: Social Action, Ideal types, authority, bureaucracy, protestant ethic & spirit of capitalism
- Talcott Parsons
- Emile Durkheim
- Religion and Society : Sociological theories of religion
- Religion and science
- Secularisation
- Religious revivalism
- Religious fundamentalism
- Religious organisations:
- Millenarian movements
- Theories of social stratification: Structural-functionalist theory, Marxist theory
- Nomothetic and Ideographic
- Cultural lag theory
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Paper-2 Contents :
- On domestic violence act
- Women in IT sector
- Untouchability: Forms and Perspectives
- Challenges to Social Transformation:
- Population size, growth, composition and distribution & Components of population growth: birth, death and migration.
- Emerging issues: Ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive health
- Sex ratio:
- Infant mortality rate
- Environment movements
- Women’s movements
- Dalit movement
- Backward Class movements
- Peasant and farmer movements
- Tribal movements
- Social background of Indian Nationalism
- Social reforms
- Constitution, law and social change
- Education and social change
- Idea of development planning and mixed economy :->Bipan Chandra
- Social classes in India
- System of kinship in India
- Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labour.
- Tribal Communities in India
- Agrarian social structure -> Evolution of land tenure system and land reforms
- Cooperatives
- Modernisation of Indian Tradition
- Western Impact on India
- Idea of Indian Village and Village studies
- Land tenure system
- Features of caste system -> Look at Ghurye
- Problems of religious minority in India:
- Urbanisation in India
- Child Labour
- Informal sector
- Slums and deprivation in urban areas
- Slums
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Courtesy: Akshat Kaushal