UPSC Recruitment Paper 2018 : Assistant Geologists (Geology)
UPSC Recruitment Paper 2018 : Assistant Geologists
1. The Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and African rifts are the examples of radial rift system. In this system:
(a) Red Sea and Gulf of Aden are active divergent boundary and African rift is inactive rift
(b) Red Sea and African rift are active divergent boundary and Gulf of Aden is inactive rift
(c) African rift and Gulf of Aden are active divergent boundary and Red Sea is inactive rift
(d) Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and African rift all three represents active rift system
2. In three different seismograph station distance of a quake is 500 km , 1200 km and 2000 km respectively. Location of the earthquake can be estimated by:
(a) An average of the time interval between P and S waves from 500 km, 1200 km and 2000 km
(b) Drawing circle from each station considering each distance as radius of circle. Intersection of the circles locates earthquake
(c) The time interval between arrival of the first P and S waves
(d) Drawing a line from each station towards the centre of the earth,intersection of lines locates earthquake
3. The process of mass wasting is controlled by shear force, normal force and shear strength, the land (debris) slide takes place when:
(a) Shear force is greater than shear strength
(b) Normal force is greater than shear force
(c) Shear strength is greater than shear force
(d) Normal force is greater than shear force and shear strength
4. If two streams flow downhill in an opposite directions on either side of a range, one stream may capture the other if it:
(a) Erodes faster than other stream and cuts through most of the mountain by headward erosion
(b) Superimposes on the range of gently dipping plain
(c) Exists before the origin of other river
(d) Flows in peneplain after erosion
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