1. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I (Person) List-II (Known as )
A. Bhajan Sopori 1. Bharatnatyam Dancer
B. Birju maharaj 2. Exponent of Santoor
C. Priyadarshini Govind 3 Mridangam Maestro
D. T V Gopalkrishanan 4. Kathak Dancer
a). 2 1 4 3
b). 3 1 4 2
c). 2 4 1 3
d). 3 4 1 2
2. Who among the following is considered as the inventor of the World Wide Web ( WWW) ?
a). Edward Kasner b). Bill Gates
c). Tim Berner Lee d). Vinod Bham
3.Where are the headquarters of the organization of Islamic Conference ( OIC ) located?
a). Dubai b). Jeddah
c). Islamabad d). Ankara
4. Which one of the following is not a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
a). Russia b). Kazakhistan
c). Ukrain d). Uzbekistan
5. Who among the following wrote the Book – Ayodhya : 6 December 1992 ?
a). Chandra shekar b). P V Narasimha Rao
c). Jasvant Singh d). Arun Shorie
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6. Wangari Maathai , the noble Prize winner from Kenya is known for her contribution to which one of the following ?
a). Journalism b). International economics
c). Sustainable development d). Child Development
7. How is Gabriel Garcia well known as
a). Known as research in agriculture b). A renowned football coach
c). A great writer who won the noble prize for Literature d). Known for research in railway engineering
8. where was the first conference of the Pugwash conference on Science and World Affair held in the year 1957?
a). Minnowbrrok (USA ) b).Rhode Island ( USA )
c). Nova Scotia (Canada ) d). Nagasaki ( Japan )
9. The Pulitzer Prize is associated with which one of the following?
a). Environmental Protection b). Civil Aviation
c). Journalism d). Olympic Games
10. Raghu Rai is well known for which one of the following areas?
a). Environment protection b). Olympic Games
c). Journalism d). Civil Aviation
11. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I (Eminent Person) List-II ( Known as )
A. Bhanu Bharti 1. Music composer
B. Mike Pandey 2. Poet and Literature
C. Mohd. Zahur Khayyam 3. Theatre Director
D. Vinda Karandikar 4. Wildlife Film maker
a). 1 4 3 2
b). 3 2 1 4
c). 1 2 3 4
d). 3 4 1 2
12. Who wrote the book- ‘ The story of the integration of Indian State’?
a). B N Rau b). C Rajagopalchari
c). Krishna Menon d). V P Menon
13. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I ( Writer) List-II ( Book )
A. V S Naipaul 1. The Siege of Krishnapur
B. Salman Rushdie 2. In a free State
C. Paul Scott 3. Midnight children
D. J G Farrell 4. Staying on
a). 2 3 4 1
b). 4 1 2 3
c). 2 1 4 3
d). 4 3 2 1
14. Consider the following statements:
1. The Series of International Paper Size is based on A0 size whose area is 0.5 m2 ( approx)
2. The area of A4 size paper is 1/8th of the A0 size paper.
Which of the following given above is/are correct ?
a). 1 only b). 2 only
c). Both 1 and 2 d). Neither 1 nor 2
15. Which of the following countries signed the Tshwane Declaration in October ,2006?
a). China and South Africa b).India and South Africa
c). South Africa & Botswana d). Saudi Arabia and South Africa
16.Recently , the European Union and Other Six Countries including India Signed the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) Project . Which one of the Following was not a signatory to it ?
a). Canada b). China
c). Japan d). USA
17. Which one of the following Himalayan Passes was reopened around in the middle of the year 2006 to facilitate trade between India and China?
a). Chang La b). Jara La
c). Nathu La d). Shipki La
18. How is Steve Fossett known as ?
a). As a crocodile Hunter
b). For Completing the longest non stop flight around the globe
c). For Swimming across Atlantic Ocean
d). For climbing to Mt. Everest without any co climber
19. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I (Person) List-II (Position/Organization)
A. Nancy Pelosi 1. WTO
B. Margret Chan 2. Speaker , US House of representatives
C. Paskal Lamy 3 WHO
D. Steve Ballmer 4. Microsoft
a). 2 1 3 4
b). 4 3 1 2
c). 2 3 1 4
d). 4 1 3 2
20. in which of the following cities is the Global Automotive research center being set up ?
a). Chennai b). Hyderabad
c). Pune d). Gurgaon
21. Consider the following statements :
1. Republic won majority in the US House of representative Election hold in the year 2006.
2. Republican Bobby Jindal , won a seat in US House of representatives for the second time.
Which of the following given above is/are correct ?
a). 1 only b). 2 only
c). Both 1 and 2 d). Neither 1 nor 2
22. What is the broad area in which the noble Prize winners for the year 2006 in Physiology or Medicine ,worked to get prize ?
a). Prevention of weakening due to aging b). Flow of genetic information
c). Immunology and disease resistance d). Adult stem cell research
23. Which one of the following countries is planning to construct a rival to the Panama Canal to link the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans?
a). Colombia b). Costa Rica
c). Guatemala d). Nicaragua
24. Consider the following statements :
1. In the Year 2006 , India Successfully tested a full fledged cryogenic stage in rocketry.
2. After USA , Russia and China , India is the only country to have acquired the capability for use of cryogenic stage in rocketry.
Which of the following given above is/are correct ?
a). 1 only b). 2 only
c). Both 1 and 2 d). Neither 1 nor 2
25. With the reference to the international meeting held in the year 2006, Which of the following Pairs is/are correctly matched ?
1. NAM Summit : Havana
2. APEC Meeting : Bangkok
3. EU India Summit : Helsinki
4. UN Climate change conference : Geneva
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
a). 1 only b). 1 and 3 only
c). 1,2 and 3 d). 2,3 and 4
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