(Download) MPPSC : State Service Main Exam Paper -1 2018
(Download) MPPSC : State Service Main Exam Paper -1 2018
1.This question consists of 15 very short answer-type questions from (a) to (o).Eacti question is to be answered in i or 2 lines. There is no internal choice. Each question carries 3 marks.
(a) Kanva Dynasty
(b) Gautamiputra Satakarni
(c) Maukharis
(d) Rehela
(e) Rajkumar Shukla "
(f) Jacobins
(g) Erasmus
(h) Emile
(i) Czar Alexander II
(j) Thomas Brassey
(k) Khijra Khan
(I) Tuluva Dynasty
(m) Shahabuddiri Umar
(n) Razia Begum
(o) Treaty of Neuilly
2.Write the answers of any 10 of the following questions in about 100 words each ;
(a) Sketch the contributions of Michelangelo in European Renaissance.
(b) Highlight the causes of the Glorious or Bloodless Revolution of England in 1688.
(c) Throw light on the socio-economic background of the rise of Buddhism in India.
(d) Throw light on the political conditions of Northern India during sixth century BC.
(e) Describe the public welfare activities of Firuzshah Tughluq.
(f) Discuss the nature and significance of Din-i-Eahi.
(g) Explain 'economic drain' and discuss its causes.
(h) Give a brief account of the Birsa Munda Movement.
(i) Write a short noteion Kunwar Singh.
(j) Discuss the social and educational contributions of Ramkrishna Mission in detail.
(k) Describe the World Heritage Sites of Madhya Pradesh in brief.
(l) Throw light on the literary contributions of Jaganik.
3. Answer any three of the following questions in about 300 words each. Each question has internal choice ; ,
(a) Discuss the socio-economic causes of the French Revolution of 1789.
To what extent is it correct to ascribe the outbreak of the Second World War to the defects of the Treaty of 1919?
(b) Examine the social structure under the Rajputs.
Mention the important sources of the history of Harshavardhana.
(c) Trace the causes of failure of the Revolt oif 1857 and throw light on its importance.
Write an essay on rise and growth of Nationalism in India.
(d) Evaluate the political and cultural contributions of Bhoj Paramara (1010-1055).
Throw light on the Flag Satyagraha Movement of Madhya Pradesh
Printed Study Material for MPPSC
1. This question consists of 15 very short answer-type questions from (a) to (a). Each question is to be answered in J or 2 lines. There is no internal choice. Each question carries 3 marks.
(a) Vindhyachal mountain range comprises of which hiUs?
(b) What is Peneplain?
(c) What do you mean by Penda Agriculture?
(d) Give three names of thermal power stations of Madhya Pradesh.
(e) Name the origin place of Tapi river.
(f) 'Mangla' is famous for which economic activity?
(g) Mention the key bauxite producing States of India.
(h) What is 'Allah Bund?
(i) What is 'Loo?
(j) Write about diamond producing area of Madhya Pradesh.
(k) What is 'Atoll?
(l) Give names of important centres of paper industry of Madhya Pradesh.
(m) Define Apogean and Perigean Tides.
(n) What was, infant population growth rate of Madhya Pradesh between ,2001 to 2011?
(o) When and why did sudden flood occur in Uttarakhand (Kedarnath)?
2. Write the answers of any 10. of the following questions in about 300 words each :
(a) Explain the origin of Himalayas on the basis of Plate Tectonics theory.
(b) In which areas of Madhya Pradesh, maximum development of irrigation by wells tubewells has taken place and what are its causeis?
(c) What are the traditional methods of water conservation? Which requirements can be fulfilled by these?
(d) Give the measures taken for relief and rehabilitation in disaster management.
(e) Describe the regional pattern of population density in Madhya Pradesh.
(j) Describe flood-affected areas of India.
(g) Describe the dolomite mining areas of Madhya Pradesh.
(h) Describe the main characteristics of soils of Madhya Pradesh.
(i) Describe the population growth rate (1901-2011) of Madhya Pradesh.
(j) What are the major factors of migration from villages to cities?
(k) Describe the factors and consequences pf 2004 Tsunami in Indian Ocean.
(I) Describing the soya bean producing areas of Madhya Pradesh, give the factors for its rapid expansion.
(m) Give detailed account of localization of cement industry in Madhya Pradesh.
(n) Give account of areas of Madhya Pradesh which are affected by soil erosion and give measures to prevent soil erosion
(o) Describe the problems of water resources in Madhya Pradesh.
3. Answer any three of the following questions in about 300 words each :
(a) Discuss main areas of dry farming in India, their problems and strategy for development.
(b) Describe agro-climatic regions of Madhya Pradesh.
(c) Describe agro-based industries of Madhya Pradesh.
(d) Describing various causes of origin of earthquakes, give detailed account of 2001 earthquake of Kutch
(e) Mentioning the tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh, describe their problems.
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