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He was recently in India to inaugurate the India Internet World exhibition in
Delhi. Originally from Bangalore, he was the co-founder of the popular Hotmail
free e-mail service which he sold to Microsoft for $400 million last year. Who?
81. Sabeer Bahtia
82. It’s official name is ‘The Albert Victor Conservatory’ and is spread
over an area of 2180 sq.m. What are we talking about?
82. The Glass House at lalbagh, Bangalore
83. This person originally had the surname ‘Little’. Influenced by Elijah
Mohd., he joined the Nation of Islam. After a pilgrimage to Mecca, he returned
under the name G Haj Malik el Shahbazz, a Sunni Muslim. Who?
83. Malcolm X
84. In a fit of madness this person killed his wife Megara and their children.
In order to atone for his sins he did something. Who and what?
84. Hercules and he performed the 12 tasks
85. He was named so because he was born in the same year as that his father
first tasted success, in the movie ‘Choti Behan’. He cleaned carpets, worked
on an oil rig and on a horse farm. He is now settled as a farmer in New Zealand.
85. Lucky Ali
86. Its predecessor was codenamed ‘Chicago’. Its codename was ‘Memphis’.
It was released about two months ago after a delay of nearly a year. What are we
talking about?
86. Windows 98
87. A 2 word answer: The first word is the common name for a South American
shrub whose dried leaves are chewed as a stimulant. The second word is a West
African tree whose seed is used as a condiment and tonic.
87. Coca Cola
88. ‘The god of wind brought about the winds of change in India’. What was
once advertised thus?
88. Maruti
89. Which literary personality’s last work was ‘The Phoenix and the
89. William Shakespeare
90. In Phantom comics what are the names of the Phantom’s two pet dolphins?
90. Solomon and Nefertiti
91. Who recently won the “Businessperson of the Year†Award for 1998
instituted by The Economic Times newspaper?
91. N. Chandrababu NAidu, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
92. About which music group did the legendary Phil Spector remark “ The only
difference between a pornographic movie and them is that the pornographic movie
has better musicâ€
92. The Spice Girls
93. In the film Mr. And Mrs. 55 Guru Dutt was a cartoonist. Who actually drew
the cartoons?
93. Bal Thackeray
94. His wife said of him “he is frightened of the titles and degrees on
peoples visiting cards†and his card reads ‘ senior shoe salesman’. Who?
94. Thomas J. Bata
95. It is called ‘deuce’ in English, ‘egalite’ in French. What is it in
95. Einstein
96. So sure were the distributors of the success of this film , that they split
up the film into 20 minute segments for a kids morning show. Which film?
96. Star Wars
97. If you were engaged in an altercation with a friend and he gave you a
‘circum orbital Hemotopo’ what would you have?
97. A black eye.
98. What is referred to as ‘blue sky research’?
98. Spending enormous amounts of money on futile projects like finding out why
the sky is blue etc.
99. What do psychologists define as ‘a disorder in which strongly felt ethical
and altruistic impulses are perpetually warring with extreme sexual longing
often of a perverse nature’?
99. Love
100. Locals affectionately refer to it as ‘bobby’. It is 90 ft long, has a
sinuous body, tail, snake like head and a long neck. What?
100. The Loch Ness Monster.
101. According to legend Allah has 1001 names. To be good men, men need know
only 1000 names. Who is the only one to know all 1001 names?
101. The Camel
102. What contribution did a vague movie by name ‘Rooplekha’ make to Indian
102. First movie with a flashback sequence.
103. The word ‘stadium’ comes from ‘stade’ a unit of distance. What was
the unit?
103. The distance that Hercules could walk holding his breath.
104. In Asterix comic Unhygienix buys a plot of land from Obelix. How do we
supposedly know this land today?
104. As Stonehenge.
105. Which day to day medical term is derived from the Latin for Cow?
105. Vaccination.
106. Based on Hamlet, it was the first English movie to be dubbed into Zulu and
was also the first English movie not to feature a single human. Which movie?
106. The Lion King
107. It was believed that the devil was present at all important occasions
during the medieval period. What practice arose from this?
107. The practice of clinking glasses to toast. They believed that the sound
made was similar to church bells which scared the Devil away.
108. When King George first met him he asked him ‘Tell me , how did you
pee’? Who are we talking about?
108. Sir Charles Lindbergh
109. She is a graduate of the National School of Drama . She replaced Mita
Vashist in her most celebrated role to date. She is also starring in Kamal
Hassan’s under-production film ‘Ladies Only’. Who
109. Seema Biswas.
110. What is common to hearty, Patiala, silent, cocktail, open heart, dancing
and round?
110. All are types of laughter.
111. If you were playing with the Devil’s Book what would you be doing?
111. Playing cards.
112. In medieval times, in Europe, 1/3 of taxes went to the King, 1/3 to the
nobility and 1/3 to the common man. How is this immortalised?
112. Through the nursery rhyme ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’
113. Born with the body of a mastiff, looks of a lamb, teeth of a bunny rabbit
and is one of those mutations that happen when God plays dice. Who or What are
we talking about?
113. Ronaldo
114. Following the demolition of the Babri Masjid, there were many debates in
Parliament regarding what to be done with the disputed land. One of the most
popular suggestions came from a first time M.P. from Uttar Pradesh who suggested
that a sweet shop be built there. What was his logic?
114. Rama + Babri = Rabri which was a sweetmeat.
115. This bird has the unique distinction of being called by the names of two
different countries in different parts of the world. Give both names.
115. Turkey and Peru in Latin America.
116. “There was neither non-exist nor exist. There was neither the realm of
space nor the sky beyondâ€. Opening lines of what?
116. The Rig Veda.
117. In February 1935, the superpolyamide formed from hexamethylene diamine and
adipic acid was made by Du Pont. How do we know this compound better?
117. As Nylon
118. This person wrote about himself thus :â€Principal virtues : keeps his
nails clean. Principal faults : that he has no family, is bad tempered and has a
poor digestion. One and only wish : Not to be buried alive. Greatest sin : that
he does not worship Mammon. Important events in his life : Noneâ€. Who?
118. Alfred Nobel
119. There’s a story that, around 1600, two children were playing with lenses
in a shop in Middleburg. What resulted, according to the story, from the game?
119. The telescope. They were playing in Hans Lippershey’s shop. Lippershey is
considered to be the probable inventor of the telescope. By holding together the
two lenses, the children found, they could magnify the objects kept in the shop.
This led Lippershey to construct the telescope.
120. What was patented by Hippolyte Mege Mouries in 1869, after he was
commissioned by the Victualing Department of the French Navy to find an
alternative for butter at a time of acute butter shortage?
120. Margarine
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