Free Online Courses of Ethics, Integrity, Attitude, Aptitude and case studies for IAS Mains Examination
IASEXAMPORTAL.COM Free Online Courses of Ethics, Integrity, Attitude, Aptitude and case studies for IAS Mains Examination
IASEXAMPORTAL presents the Free Online Course for- ‘Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude’. Since the Ethics paper has been newly introduced, there is a confusion among among the civil services aspirants, regarding the right approach to tackle the ethics paper.
Thus, IASEXAMPORTAL has been trying to help the candidates in solving the dilemmas relating to the ethics paper.
This course gives you an introduction to Ethics and its meaning and significance to the human society. We hope that the candidates would be benefited by our Free Online Course.
Why GS has weightage ?
- GS consist of four (I,II,III and IV) papers and of 1000 marks in Mains examination.
- Understanding of GS also helps in Essay and Interview .
The Mission
Free Online Course for General Studies Ethics, Integrity, Attitude, Aptitude and case studies Mains, is to guide and help aspirants .
Free Online Course for General Studies Mains is collection of informative and suggestion based articles, discussing the possible strategies and suggested reading , that a candidate might choose to get success.
It is completely free for all of you.
Important Articles:
Question and Answer
Probity in Governance
Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
Contribution of Moral Thinkers & Philosop-hers From India and World
Emotional Intelligence
Bioethics, Environmental Ethics, Media Ethics
Family, Global Ethics
Human Values
Determinants and Consequences of Ethics
The Development of Ethical Theory
The Nature of Ethics
What is Ethics? Explain The Importance of Ethics