(Download) UPSC IAS Mains 2015: Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science (Paper -1 & 2) Optional Question Paper
(Download) UPSC IAS Mains 2015: Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Science (Paper -1 & Paper-2) Optional Question Paper
Subject: Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science (Paper -1 & Paper-2) Optional
Exam Date: 23rd December 2015
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science (Paper -1)
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) What are the feeding habits of goats? Enlist the common feeds and fodders for goats.
(b) Discuss the methods for estimation of protein requirements for maintenance of bullocks,
(c) What is third messenger concept? Why and how is uric acid formed in birds?
(d) Write the general functions of blood in animal body.
(e) Name three diluters along with their properties and composition for cryopreservation of cattle bull semen.
2.(a) Differentiate between the following : 15 marks
(i) Starch equivalent and Net energy
(ii) Crude protein and True protein
(iii) Cellulose and Starch
(iv) Digestible energy and Metabolizable energy
(v) Concentrates and Roughages
(b) What do you understand by spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis? Discuss the factors affecting the semen quality in buffaloes. 20 marks
(c) What do you mean by electrocardiogram? Discuss in brief about cardiac cycle and heartbeat. 15 marks
3.(a) Enumerate the water-soluble vitamins. Write the coenzymes or prosthetic groups and enzymic or other functions of B vitamins. Write the functions and deficiency symptoms of vitamin E in poultry. 25 marks
(b) A radiolabelled non-toxic particle was injected I/V into right foreleg of an adult dog. After a while, it was detected in the left foreleg. Indicate how the particle reached to the left foreleg. Support your answer with arrow diagram. 15 marks
(c) Explain how high ambient temperature affects the productivity of animals. 10 marks
4.(a) A buffalo is grazing on a pasture. How can the feed intake of that buffalo be predicted? 15 marks
(b) Compute a ration for a dairy cow weighing 400 kg and yielding 10 kg of milk with 4% fat from wheat straw (0% DCP and 40% TDN), green berseem (2% DCP and 12% TDN) limited to 15 kg and concentrate mixture (12% DCP and 70% TDN). The maintenance requirement is 250 g DCP and 3 kg TDN, whereas the requirement for 1 kg milk production is 45 g DCP and 300 g TDN. | 15 marks
(c) Name the hormones secreted from pituitary gland. Discuss the role of pituitary gland in regulation of oestrous cycle in bovine. 20 marks
5. Explain the following (in about 150 words each) : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Chromosomal aberrations
(b) Traits of economic importance
(c) Guidelines to feed high yielder cows
(d) Organizations providing extension services in India
(e) Sib selection
6.(a) Write about the preliminary idea of heritability. Give different methods of estimation and write how these estimates are utilized in formation of breeding/selection plans. 25 marks
(b) What could be the delayed consequences of natural disasters? 15 marks
(c) Explain the role of veterinarian extension worker in livestock health and development. 10 marks
7.(a) What feeding practices are suggested for adult female pigs? 15 marks
(b) Why is evaluation of extension programme needed and what different types of evaluations are done? 15 marks
(c) How can the efficiency of progeny testing programme be improved? 10 marks
(d) How will you improve the reproductive efficiency at your farm during summer season? 10 marks
8.(a) What different systems of brooding are being practised in poultry? How would you prepare a brooder house to receive chicks? 20 marks
(b) Discuss genetic and phenotypic effects of inbreeding. 15 marks
(c) What are combining abilities? Give diagrammatic plan for utilizing combining ability. 15 marks
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science (Paper -2)
1. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Disease prevention and disease-free zones
(b) Anatomical structures and formation of egg in hen
(c) Occupational zoonotic diseases in meat handlers
(d) Sanitation requirements for clean and safe milk production
(e) Irradiation preservation of meat
2.(a) Write about the major air pollutants in the vicinity of industrial areas and their effects on animal health and production. 20 marks
(b) What are the advantages of value addition in meat ? Describe the steps involved in the processing of cooked sausages. 20 marks
(c) Discuss the socio-economic impact of zoonotic diseases on public health. 10 marks
3.(a) What are the problems and challenges in the control and eradication of infectious diseases of livestock and poultry? 20 marks
(b) Write the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of Equine myoglobinuria. 15 marks
(c) Differentiate between local, general and regional anesthesia. Indicate the sites of operation and organs involved during castration of dogs. 15 marks
4.(a) What is U.H.T. processing of milk? How do we achieve commercial sterility in aseptic packaging of milk? 20 marks
(b) What do you mean by drug bioavailability ? Elaborate the procedure for developing a newer drug. 20 marks
(c) Compare the physical and sensory properties of buffalo and cow milk khoa. 10 marks
5. Discuss the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Role of enzymatic reactivators in organo-phosphorus poisoning in dairy animals
(b) Connective tissue cells and immunoregulation
(c) Pathogenesis and control measures of post-parturient haemoglobinuria in cows
(d) Various approaches for utilization of whey
(e) Organ products for food and pharmaceuticals
6.(a) How are case-control and cohort studies useful in epidemiological disease investigation ? Explain their application in the study of infectious diseases. 20 marks
(b) Write about the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis and control of leptospirosis in livestock. 20 marks
(c) Discuss how disease transmission occurs at ecological interfaces. 10 marks
7.(a) What are the advantages of canning of meat products ? Detail the various steps in traditional.canning. 20 marks
(b) Discuss the management of fore-stomach disorders in ruminants. 20 marks
(c) Explain the role of public health veterinarian in relation to meat hygiene. 10 marks
8.(a) Discuss the latest national guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in suspected rabid dog bites in humans. 20 marks
(b) Describe the various quality characteristics and storage conditions of fresh meat. 20 marks
(c) How does Landscape epidemiology help in disease predictions ? 10 marks
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