(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Optional Economics (Paper -1 & Paper -2) Exam Paper - 2016
(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Optional Economics (Paper -1 & Paper -2) Exam Paper - 2016
Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains
Year: 2016
Subject: Economics
Economics Paper-1
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words cach : 10x5=50 marks
(a) State Marshallian and Walrasian stability condition of market equilibrium. Do you think that existence of Marshallian stability necessarily ensures Walrasian stability and vice versa? Explain.
(b) State Bain's limnit price theory.
(c) Explain kinked demand curvc theory with the help of diagram.
(d) What are the fiscal and monetary implications of vertical Is and vertical LM curves?
(e) Examine Kaldor and Kalecki theory of distribution.
2.(a) "The advent of New Classical Macro-economics has tended to upset the applecart of Keynesian and to a great extent, that of the Monetarists." Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Write on Prisoners' dilemma and Nash equilibrium, 15 marks
(c) Discuss in brief Friedman's restatement of the quantity theory of money and find its similarity/difference with the classical quantity theory. 15 marks
3.(a) Distinguish between Monetarist and Neo-Keynesian approaches expectation-augmented Phillips curve. 20 marks
(b) Should inflation targeting be main plank of monetary policy of a central bank in emerging market economics like India? Show its implications on investment and growth. 15 marks
(c) What is a Lemon Market? What is the role of signalling and screening in it? Explain. 15 marks
4.(a) What is asymmetric information? How could it lead to adverse selection and market failure? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) Illustrate the notion of perverse subsidy in the context of natural resource sector. 15 marks
(c) Examine the effects of public expenditure on the development process of an economy. 15 marks
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks
(a) Differentiate between inter-Industry and Intra-Industry trade. Can standard H-O model explain intra industry trade? Discuss.
(b) Explain Dunning's eclectic theory of FDI.
(c) Explain Brander-Krugman model of intra-industry trade in an oligopolistic market.
(d) Explain Kuznets' inverted 'U'hypothesis. Is growth good for the poor? Explain.
(e) Under what conditions economic growth reduces employment growth? Discuss. 20
6.(a) Describe the growth path, which once the economy attains it, will give a higher level of per capita consumption than any other growth path for all time. 20 marks
(b) "Technical progress in capital-intensive sector almost invariably reduces the real wage rate and increases the real return to capital. Technical progress in labour-intensive sector will lead to increase in real wage rate and decrease in the real return to capital." Explain. 15 marks
(c) What is the stalemate in the WTO about subsidies in less-developed economies? Discuss. 15 marks
7.(a) "The argument that export-biased growth may turn the terms of trade unfavourable to the country and hence may not be beneficial, is applicable in the case of a large country and not a small country." Explain. 20 marks
(b) With the help of Salter-Swan diagram, define the zones of disequilibrium and assign policy prescriptions for the situations pertaining to unemployment and inflation vis-à-vis BOP deficit. 20 marks
(c) To counteract under-development stagnation, discuss Leibenstein's critical minimum effort theory. 10 marks
8.(a) What are the elasticity and absorption approaches to BOP adjustment? Discuss. 20 marks
(b) "Pollution-income progression of agrarian communities (clean) to industrial economics (pollution intensive) to service economies (cleaner) would appear to be false if pollution increases again at the end due to higher levels of income and consumption of the people at large.” Discuss. 15 marks
(c) Indicate the Ricardo legacy which is inherent in the Lewis model of economic development 15 marks
Economics Paper-2
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each. 10x5=50 marks
(a) Explain the salient features of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments in India and elaborate the impact of its implementation. 10 marks
(b) Do you agree with the view that an increase in the productivity of agriculture as a result of Green Revolution was only short-term ? Give reasons. 10 marks
(c) What were the economic and non-cconomic rationale for adopting mixed-economy model in India? 10 marks
(d)Discuss the basic features of the IInd five year plan in India. 10 marks
(e) What were the economic consequences of discriminating protection in the trade policy during British Regime ? 10 marks
2.(a) Discuss the manufacturing condition prevailed during pre-independence period. Do you feel that private sector did not come forward for investment due to fear of Nationalisation ? Give reasons. 20 marks
(b) Critically examine condition of Agriculture and rural economy during the pre independence era. 15 marks
(c) Discuss the Wage-Goods model of development as given by C.N. Vakil and P. R. Bramhanand. 15 marks
3.(a) Critically examine the difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty. Between the two which is more appropriate ? Give reasons. 20 marks
(b) Explain the major tools for measuring in equality. Highlight the more appropriate method of measuring inequality 15 marks.
(c) Examine the implications of Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) on Indian Economy 15 marks
4.(a) What is 'Crony Capitalism'? Is it true that almost all Developing Countries are facing the threat of 'Crony Capitalism' in their development efforts ? 20 marks
(b)Examine the process of introducing and passing GST Bill in Parliament. How it helps in Fiscal Consolidation in the country? 15 marks
(c) What were the major hurdles to development as experienced in India during first decade after independence ? Discuss them and what steps were taken to remove them? 15 marks
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each. 10x5=50 marks
(a) "Partial Capital Account Convertibility cannot serve the purpose of integrating Indian Economy with World Economy". Critically examine. 10 marks
(b) Critically examine the salient features of Fiscal Responsibility Act. 10 marks
(c) Examine the basic features of the National Food Security Act 2013. 10 marks
(d) Bring out the salient features of New EXIM policy of Government of India. 10 marks
(e) Write short notes on "Skill India" and "Make in India”. 10 marks
6.(a) Monetary Policy in India is often criticised as ineffective because large part of the country is not yet monetised. Do you agree with the view ? Give reasons. 20 marks
(b) Trace the development of Non Banking Financial Companies in India since the liberalisation cra and comment on their impact on the effectiveness of the interest rate policies of the RBI. 15 marks
(c) Explain how Railways played an important role in unifying the people of India during pre-independence period. 15 marks
7.(a) During post-independence era India assigned the role of 'Commanding Heights' to the public undertakings. Should this policy be continued ? Give reasons for your answer. 20 marks
(b) Explain the contribution of V.KR.V. Rao in the estimation of National Income.15 marks
(c) Critically examine the major changes in FDI policies of the Government of India sirice 1991. 15 marks
8.(a) What are the basic features of new national rural employment guarantee scheme? What are the impediments in their implementation ? 20 marks
(b) "Agriculture Subsidy is both an Economic as well as Social issue, hence the Government finds it difficult to take a decisive decision". Comment on the above statement. 15 marks
(c) Discuss the changes in the sectoral composition of GDP in recent years. 15 marks
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