GS Mains Model Question & Answer:What are the Challenges to governance and administration? Comment
GS Mains Model Question & Answer:What are the Challenges to governance and administration? Comment
Q. What are the Challenges to governance and administration? Comment
Model Answer:
What are the Challenges to governance and administration?
Governance is the exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to manage a count affairs at all levels. It consists of the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations mid mediate t differences.
A series of political reforms have been enacted by Parliament by unanimous these include the electoral funding, reforms promoting transparency and fairness and creating t incentives to donors, disclosure of antecedents of candidates contesting for public office, and the 97 Constitutional Amendment limiting the size of the Council of Ministers to 15 per cent of the strength the Lower House and considerably strengthening anti-defection provisions. A new value-added tax regime has been introduced recently, which is seen as the most ambitious tax reform after Independent The path-breaking Right to Information Act has come into effect recently. This new law applies to union and state agencies, local governments and even societies and trusts which receive public fund This far-reaching law also provides for independent information commissioners, proactive disclosure and reporting mechanisms and has the potential to impact our governance process in a profound an positive way by empowering citizens.
These welcome initiatives indicate that our political system is willing to
respond to the growing challenges of governance.
However, a lot more remains to be done. There is increasing lawlessness in
several pockets of the country, and armed groups are resorting to violence with
impunity for sectarian or ideological reason the state apparatus Is generally
perceived to be largely inefficient, with most functionaries serving no useful
The bureaucracy is generally seen to be tardy, inefficient, and unresponsive. Corruption is all-pervasive, eating into the vitals of our system, undermining economic growth, distorting competition, and disproportionately hurting the poor and marginalized citizens. Criminalization of politics continues unchecked, with money and muscle power playing a large role in elections. In general, there is high degree of volatility in society on account of unfulfilled expectations and poor delivery. Abuse of authority at all levels in all organs of state has become the bane of our democracy. The perception that every political party and politician is corrupt needs to be seriously addressed, and restructuring the systems in all sectors - political, bureaucratic and judicial - is of paramount importance.
There is a need to restructure our political and governance institutions and rejuvenate our Republic. Otherwise, the growing cynicism and despair among large sections may shatter public confidence in democratic institutions.
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