GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Discuss the important types of Traditional Indian puppets used in puppetry in India? Comment
GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Discuss the important types of Traditional Indian puppets used in puppetry in India? Comment
Q. Discuss the important types of Traditional Indian puppets used in puppetry in India? Comment
Model Answer:
Discuss the important types of Traditional Indian puppets used in puppetry in India?
Puppets or “Kathputli” is an ancient and popular form of folk entertainment. There are four types of puppets glove, rod, shadow and string. They are differentiaed based on the different ways of manipulation of puppets. Below is a short description of the type and the states in India which have these arts:
The glove puppets are worn on hands just like a glove. The middle finger and thumb act as hands of the puppet and the index finger acts as the head. Also known as hand puppets these are a small figure having head and arms wearing a long skirt as its dress.
The rod puppets are manipulated by rods of various types and sizes. These puppets have mostly three joints. The heads, supported by the main rod, is joined at the neck and both hands attached to rods are joined at the shoulders. The main holding rod that supports the puppet may be hidden by a robe or costume of the puppet.
Shadow puppets are flat puppets that are operated against the rear of a tightly stretched white cloth screen. They are cut out of leather, which has been treated to make it translucent. Shadow puppets are pressed against the screen with a strong source of light behind it. The Shadow puppet theatre is practiced in the states of Andhra Pradesh (Tholu Bommalata), Karnataka (Togalu Gombeyata), Kerala Tolpavakoothu), Maharashtra(chamadyache Bahulya), Orissa, and Tamil Nadu (Tolpavaikoothu).
India has a rich and ancient tradition of string puppets or marionettes. String puppets are made of wood, or wire, or cloth stuffed with cotton, rags or saw dust. The puppet is suspended from a hand held control strings that are attached to different parts of the puppet's body.
The presentation of puppet programmes involves the creative efforts of many people working together. With the Modern Cinemas and Television grasping most of the audience Puppetry in India is on the brink of extinction. Many of the puppeteers are taking to other professions.
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