GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Bhagat Singh’s sense of nationalism differ from other stalwarts of the national movement. Discuss. Comment
GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Bhagat Singh’s sense of nationalism differ from other stalwarts of the national movement. Discuss. Comment
Q. Bhagat Singh’s sense of nationalism differ from other stalwarts of the national movement. Discuss. Comment
Model Answer:
Bhagat Singh’s sense of nationalism differ from other stalwarts of the
national movement. Discuss.
Difference between Bhagat Singh and other Freedom Fighters
1) He initially sought revolutionary mass movement against the colonial rule, many other prominent leaders resorted to non-violent struggle under Gandhi at the latter end of the freedom movement.
2) He later resorted to individual act of Revolutionary Terrorism because of rapid change of time and shocked at the death of Lala Lajpat Rai. Though he preferred mass struggle, he wanted to educate the people through his deed. It was considered as "Propaganda by deed".
But other stalwarts believed in long-struggle which involved "S-T-S" (Struggle Truce Struggle).
3) Propagated Anarchism- abolition of state, freedom from obsession of religion, money or other worldly desire. Though seemed quite radical he explained that absence of "state" did not mean absence of "order", but merely absence of chains on the body or control.
4) While Bhagat Singh abjured religion in political affairs and was conscient not to discriminate between his comrades. Other freedom fighters like Tilak, though with best intentions, had resorted to Hindu religious ceremonies for enlisting mass support. This had lead to religious conscience in the masses.
5) Bhagat Singh did not discriminate between his subjects and wrote against overt beliefs in God. Gandhiji being a conservative Hindu upheld religion in political affairs by saying that politics without ethics (religion) is dangerous.
Bhagat singh strand of nationalism was of a progressive one,wherein he wanted a dismantle of all systems which make exploitation of one man by another possible.He stood for emancipation of a nation from all its social evils emphasising on rationality,secularism and personally adhering to atheism
His nationalism was not confined to preserving territorial integrity but ushering in social revolution
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