- Explain the meaning of investment in an economy in terms of capital formation. Discuss the factors to be considered while designing a concession agreement between a public entity and a private entity. (UPSC 2020)
- Define potential GDP and explain its determinants. What are the factors that have been inhibiting India from realizing its potential GDP? (UPSC 2020)
- Do you agree with the view that steady GDP growth and low inflation have left the Indian economy in good shape? Give reasons in support of your arguments. (UPSC 2019)
- How are the principles followed by the NITI Aayog different from those followed by the erstwhile Planning Commission in India? (UPSC 2018)
- Among several factors for India’s potential growth, savings rate is the most effective one. Do you agree? What are the other factors available for growth potential? (UPSC 2017)
- Account for the failure of manufacturing sector in achieving the goal of labor-intensive exports rather than capital-intensive exports. Suggest measures for more labour-intensive rather than capital-intensive exports. (UPSC 2017)
- The nature of economic growth in India in described as jobless growth. Do you agree with this view? Give arguments in favour of your answer.(UPSC 2015)
- In what way could replacement of price subsidy with Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) change the scenario of subsidies in India? Discuss.(UPSC 2015)
- What are the impediments in marketing and supply chain management in industry in India? Can e-commerce help in overcoming these bottlenecks?(UPSC 2015)
- Craze for gold in Indians have led to a surge in import of gold in recent years and put pressure on balance of payments and external value of rupee. In view of this, examine the merits of Gold Monetization Scheme.(UPSC 2015)
- "Success of 'Make in India' programme depends on the success of 'Skill India' programme and radical labour reforms." Discuss with logical arguments. (UPSC 2015)
- To what factors can the recent dramatic fall in equipment costs and tariff of solar energy be attributed? What implications does the trend have for the thermal power producers and the related industry?(UPSC 2015)
- There is a clear acknowledement that Speecial Economic Zones (SEZs) are a tool of industrial development, manufacturing and exports. Recognizing this potential, the whole instrumentality of SEZs requires augmentation. Discuss the issues plaguing the success of SEZs with respect to taxation, governing laws and administration.(UPSC 2015)
- Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base?(UPSC 2015)
- While we found India's demographic dividend, we ignore the dropping rates of employability.What are we missing while doing so? Where will the jobs that India desperately needs come from? Explain.(UPSC 2014)
- The right to fair compensation and transparency land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement act, 2013 has come into effect from 1 January 2014. What implication would it have on industrialisation and agriculture in India? (UPSC 2014)
- Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often encourages shortsightedness and contributes to wide disparities between the rich and the poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism driving inclusive growth in India? Discuss.(UPSC 2014)
- Explain how private public partnership agreements, in longer gestation infrastructure projects,can transfer unsuitable liabilities to the future. What arrangements need to be put in place to ensure that successive generations' capacities are not compromised?(UPSC 2014)
- National urban transport policy emphasizes on moving people instead of moving vehicles. Discuss critically the success of various strategies of the government in this regard.(UPSC 2014)
- Foreign direct investment in the defence sector is now said to be liberalised. What influence this is expected to have on Indian defence and economy in the short and long run? (UPSC 2014)
- With a consideration towards the strategy of inclusive growth, the new companies bill, 2013 has indirectly made CSR a mandatory obligation. Discuss the challenges expected in its implementation in right earnest. Also discuss other provisions in the bill and their implications.(UPSC 2013)
- What are the reasons for introduction of Fiscal responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) act, 2003? Discuss critically its salient features and their effectiveness.(UPSC 2013)
- What is meaning of the term tax-expenditure? Taking housing sector as an example, discuss how it influences budgetary policies of the government.(UPSC 2013)
- Examine the impact of liberalization on companies owned by Indian. Are the competing with the MNCs satisfactorily?(UPSC 2013)
- Two questions: each with
- (a) Discuss the impact of FDI entry into multi-trade retail sector on supply chain management in commodity trade pattern of the economy. (b) Though India allowed foreign direct investment (FDI) in what is called multi brand retail through joint venture route in September 2012, the FDI even after a year, has not picket up. Discuss the reasons.(UPSC 2013)
- Discussion the rationale for introducing Good and services tax in India. Bring out critically the reasons for delay in roll out for its regime.(UPSC 2013)
- Write a note on India's green energy corridor to alleviate the problems of conventional energy.(UPSC 2013)
- Adaptation of PPP model for infrastructure development of the country has not been free from criticism. Critically discuss the pros and cons of the model.(UPSC 2013)
- Why is international trade perceived to have failed to act as an "engine of growth" in many developing countries including India?(UPSC 2012)
- "Domestic resource mobilization, though central to the process of Indian economic growth, is characterized by several constraints? Explain.(UPSC 2012)
- Why have the resource rich African and South Asian countries remained poor for decades? Explain.(UPSC 2012)
- Discuss the likely negative impact of the protectionist measures proposed by the US on India's software industry.(UPSC 2012)
- Discuss the globalization of R&D and its impact on India's development. Provide an illustration from at least one sector such as Information Technology or Health.(UPSC 2012)
- Functions of the World Customs Organization. (WCO) (UPSC 2011)
- Salient recommendations of the RBI-appointed Damodaran committee on customer service in Banks.(UPSC 2011)
- Why the Central Statistics Office has notified a new series of Consumer Price Index from this year?(UPSC 2011)
- In the context of the 'Euro-zone' debt crisis, examine the proposed 'six-pack' solution. Do you think that this has a better chance of success than the earlier Stability and Growth Pact?(UPSC 2011)
UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit (GS I + GS II + GS III + GS IV)
Printed Study Material for IAS (UPSC) : General Studies PRE Cum MAINS
Courtesy: UPSC