(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2018 BOTANY (Paper-1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018 BOTANY (Paper I)
1. Describe the following in about 150 words each :
1.(a) Structure of mycoplasma and its importance 10 marks
1.(b) Replication of plant viruses 10 marks
1.(c) Plant Quarantine 10 marks
1.(d) Spermocarp and Cystocarp 10 marks
1.(e) Structure and importance of Lichens 10 marks
2.(a) Describe the role of micro-organisms in medicine and industry. 20 marks
2.(b) Write an account of defense structures in plants against pathogens. 15 marks
2.(c) Comment on morphological nature of sporocarp in Marsilea. 15 marks
3. Write the name of the causal organism, symptoms and control measures of the following diseases: 121/2x4=50 marks
3.(a) Green ear disease of Bajra
3.(b) Paddy blast
3.(c) Angular leaf spot of cotton
3.(d) Sandal spike
4.(a) Give an account of distribution and economic importance of Bryophytes in India.15 marks
4.(b) Describe the male and female cones of Pinus.15 marks
4.(c) Explain distinguishing characters of Dipterocarpaceae, Asteraceae and Orchidaceae.20 marks
UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit
5. Describe the following in about 150 words each:
5.(a) Floral morphology (Fructification) and L.S. of ovule of Cycadeoidea.10 marks
5.(b) Typification in plant nomenclature. 10 marks
5.(c) Development of endosperm and its functions 10 marks
5.(d) Different types of Herbaria 10 marks
5.(e) Generation of Symmetric hybrids 10 marks
6.(a) Compare the systems of classifications proposed by Hutchinson and Cronquist with a note on their merits and demerits. 15 marks
6.(b) Describe the different types of stomata in dicots. 10 marks
6.(c) Discuss the essential components of a Botanical garden. Write the names of important Botanical gardens in India. 10 marks
6.(d) Describe the process of protoplast isolation and mention the applications of protoplast culture. 15 marks
7.(a) Describe the role of xylem and phloem in secondary growth of plants. 20 marks
7.(b) Comment on salient features of Cordaitales. 10 marks
7.(c) Discuss the leaf anatomy of C3 and C4 plants.10 marks
7.(d) Describe the major types of embryos with suitable examples.10 marks
8.(a) Write an account of the following families with reference to floral formula and floral diagram. Give Botanical names of four important plant species belonging to each of the families and mention their uses :20 marks
(i) Euphorbiaceae
(ii) Asclepiadaceae
(iii) Poaceae
8.(b) Write Botanical names and their families of plants yielding spices, drugs and insecticides and mention the parts used therein. 15 marks
8.(c) Write notes on the following: 71/2 x2=15 marks
(i) NPC system of classification of pollen grains
(ii) Cytodifferentiation and its regulation