(Download) MPPSC : Librarian And Sports Officer Exam Paper- 2018 (Librarian)
(Download) MPPSC : Librarian And Sports Officer Exam Paper- 2018
:: Librarian ::
Q.No: 1 Which of the following is never followed by page number
A Bibliography
B ibid
C op.cit
D loc.cit
Q.No: 2 Which Association's tagline is 'Connecting people and Information'?
Q.No: 4 The Act enacted in India in 1856 on "Intellectual Property Right" was based on
A British Patent Law, 1852
B The Patent Bill, 1813
C American Patent Law, 1810
D The Design Act, 1911
Q.No: 5 Which Law of Library Science is related with the obligation of state, library authority and reader?
A First Law
B Fifth Law
C Second law
D Third Law
Q.No: 6 Arrange the following books in order of their publication .
I. Classified Catalogue Code
II. Prolegomena to Library Classification
III. Five Laws of Library Science
IV. Colon Classification
Code :
Q.No: 7 In the Sear's List of Subject Headings, preferred headings are indicated by________.
A Making them as preferred Headings
B Underlining them
C Italicizing them
D Printing them in bold type
Q.No: 8 'TIFF' file format is first created by ________.
A Aldus Corporation
B Microsoft
C C-Cube Microsystems
D Sun Microsystems
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Q.No: 9 Intra facet phase relation is used for representing relationship between:
A Two isolates belonging to the different facets
B Two isolates belonging to the same facet
C Two isolates belonging to the same subject
D Two isolates belonging to the different subjects
Q.No: 10 In UDC, common isolates are called ___________.
A Common subdivisions
B Form subdivisions
C Common Auxiliaries
D Special subdivisions
Q.No: 11 'Universities Handbook' is published by_________.
A Association of Indian Universities
B University Grants Commission
C Publication Division, GOI
D Ministry of Culture
Q.No: 12 Who evolved the Dynamic theory of classification.
A Hulme and his associates
B Richardson and his associates
C Ranganathan and his associates
D Brown and his associates
Q.No: 14 Canon of exhaustiveness is one of the canons of :
A Array
B Chain
C Filiatary Sequence
D Characteristics
Q.No: 15 In CC, the main class C-Physics is further divided into:
A Host class
B Compound class
C Generic class
D Canonical class
Q.No: 16 In cataloguing, the square brackets [ ] are used for-
A To enclose information taken from outside
B To enclose the details of the printer / manufacturer
C To enclose series statement
D To enclose the statement of accompanying material
Q.No: 17 Who was the Chairman of UGC Committee on National Network System for University Libraries?
A S. R. Ranganathan
B Yash Pal
C P. N. Kaula
D R. C. Mehrotra
Q.No: 18 Who was the father of Browne Charging System?
A Nina E. Browne
B Vina E. Browne
C H. E. Browne
D F.E. Browne
Q.No: 19 ZOTERO is a _____________
A Content Management System
B Reference Management System
C Serials Management System
D Bibliographic Reference Management system
Q.No: 20 'Mendeley' is developed by -
A ProQuest
B Sonny Software
C Labtiva
D Elsevier
Q.No: 21 'URKUND' offers
A Library statistical analysis
B Detect and prevent plagiarism
C Helps in online Cataloguing
D Support in Library automation
Q.No: 22 'Research in progress' database in India is______
A Vidyanidhi
B Shodhganga
C Shodhgangotri
D Indian National Depository Library
Q.No: 23 The person who prepares dictionary is known as:
A Biographer
B Lexicographer
C Bibliographer
D None of these
Q.No: 24 Grey Literature generally refers to _____________.
A Published Literature
B Unpublished Literature
C Private publications
D Government publications
Q.No: 25 'Passive Documentation' means __________.
A Documentation progress
B Documentation development
C Documentation service
D None of these
Q.No: 26 Dublin Core Metadata consist of..........elements.
A 15
B 13
C 11
D 16
Q.No: 27 Which one of the following Protocol is used for file transfer over Internet ?
Q.No: 28 Who wrote the book "Manual of Library Economy" ?
A L.A.Tedd
B A.J.Walford
C J.D.Brown
D A.C. Foskett
Q.No: 29 The Information Technology used for simulation of the human thought is known as :
A Thinking Simulation
B Artificial Intelligence
C Third generation of Computers
D Thought process mechanism
Q.No: 30 University Libraries Network in India is known as :
Q.No: 31 Science and Technology Policies Information Exchange System (SPINES) programme was promoted by
Q.No: 32 The term Cyberspace was coined by
A Alan Kay
B William Gibson
C Andy Lipman
D Charles F. Goldfarb
Q.No: 33 Boolean Logic was propounded by ........
A B C Wickery
B Buckland
C George Boole
D S C Bradford
Q.No: 34 Tagging in Web 2.0 application is called
A Taxonomy
B Folksonomy
C Syndication
D Directory
Q.No: 35 In which year Budapest Open Access Initiative declaration took place ?
A 2001
B 2002
C 2003
D 2004
Q.No: 36 NDL is coordinated by-
A IIT, Kharagpur
B IIT, Kanpur
C IIT, Delhi
D IIT, Madras
Q.No: 37 UGC digital library consortium was launched by __________
A Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
B Dr. Manmohan Singh
C Smt. Pratibha Patil
D None of these
Q.No: 38 An E-book which does not has an Internet connection to access its contents is -
A Electronic Ink e-Book
B Digital Book
C Web Book
D Palm Book
Q.No: 39 Ontology is:
A Classification of Internet based documents
B Cataloguing of Internet based documents
C Documentation services
D Indexing method
Q.No: 40 A quick and ready insight is known as:
A Intution
B Observation
C Innovation
D Experimentation
Q.No: 41 Which of the following is a term used for working assumption of a solution to a problem ?
A Research
B Hypothesis
C Bibliography
D Thesis
Q.No: 42 Delphi technique was first discussed by
A T.S. Wilkinson
B G.E. Goreman
C O.Helmer
D P.V.Young
Q.No: 43 What was the name given by Ranganathan to Bibliometrics ?
A Librametrics
B Librachine
C Scientometrics
D Documentrics
Q.No: 44 Citation analysis helps in _____________.
A Identification of core documents
B Subject Indexing
C Descriptive Cataloguing
D Selective Cataloguing
Q.No: 45 IFLA "World Library and Information Congress" of 2019 will be held in __________.
A London
B Tokyo
C New York
D Athens
Q.No: 46 TOXLINE is a/an
A Reference Database
B Reference Service
C Bibliographic Database
D Bibliographic Service
Q.No: 47 The book "Indian Library Manifesto" was published in 1990 by ________.
A Facet Publications
B Ess Ess Publications
C Asia Publishing House
D ABC Publishing House
Q.No: 48 According to Ranganathan "Latent Facet" is _________________.
A Facet added at end
B Hidden Facet
C Important Facet
D Current of all Facets
Q.No: 49 First 'PLANNER' of INFLIBNET was organized in 2003 at __________.
A Shillong
B Silchar
C Gauwahati
D Aizawal
Q.No: 50 Who was the last Director of National Library of India ?
A K K Banerjee
B Swapan Chakravorty
C A K Chakravorty
D R Ramachandran
Q.No: 51 Upto end of which year 10 digit ISBN numbers were allotted ?
A 2006
B 2007
C 2008
D 2009
Q.No: 52 HELINET Consortium was launched in the year __________.
A 2002
B 2003
C 2004
D 2005
Q.No: 53 Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation was established in __________ at Kolkata
A May, 1972
B June, 1972
C July 1972
D August, 1972
Q.No: 54 Which Indian library has largest holdings of manuscripts ?
A Rampur Raza Library
B Saraswati Bhawan Library
C National Museum Library
D Khuda Bakhsh Library
Q.No: 55 The library of Vikramshila was destroyed by _____________.
A Alauddin Khilji
B Aurangzeb
C Changez Khan
D Bakhtiyar Khilji
Q.No: 56 "Press and Registration of Books Act" of India was passed in the year?
A 1967
B 1968
C 1954
D 1956
Q.No: 57 Which symbol is used for representing 'Biography' as ACI in CC ?
A k
B m
C b
D w
Q.No: 58 For referring to an earlier but not an immediately preceding reference, which one is used ___________.
A loc.cit
B op.cit
C ibid
D Referred to above
Q.No: 59 Fourth edition of Colon Classification was published in the year ________.
A 1939
B 1950
C 1952
D 1954
Q.No: 60 Deductive logic proceeds from
A General to Particular
B Particular to General
C Specific to General
D Particular to particular
Q.No: 61 Who has initiated the project Gutenberg?
A Allen Kent
B Michael Hart
C E. Morgon
D Allan key
Q.No: 62 Saracevic's model is an
A User centered information search model
B Human information behavior model
C User centered information behavior model
D None of these
Q.No: 63 "Model Library Act" drafted by Dr.Ranganathan was presented in the All Asia Education Confrence in the year __________
A 1929
B 1930
C 1931
D 1932
Q.No: 64 NISCAIR came into existence on 30th Sept 2002 by merging of which Institutions?
Q.No: 65 Who was the publisher of Colon Classification in 1933 ?
B Madras Library Association
C Ess Ess Publishers
D Academic Press
Q.No: 66 Which among the following is the premier database of profiles of scientists, researchers and other faculty members working at academic institutions and other R&D labs in India.
A Vidwan
B Info Port
D Informer
Q.No: 67 Who is called as 'Father of Bibilography' ?
A Robert Watt
B Paul Otlet
C A. J. Walford
D Conard Gesner
Q.No: 68 Who used the term "Information Literacy" for the first time?
A Zarkowski
B George Bernard Shaw
C Niels Bohr
D Gyorginy
Q.No: 69 Who is the author of famous book "Third Wave"?
A George Castell
B Alwin Toffler
C Steve Case
D David George Hogarth
Q.No: 70 In which year RDA was published ?
A 2009
B 2010
C 2011
D 2012
Q.No: 71 Chapter 10 of AACR-II deals with _____________
A Three dimensional artifacts
B Graphic material
C Machine readable data files
D Sound recordings
Q.No: 72 According to whom "Management is the accomplishment of result through the efforts of the other people"?
A George R. Terry
B Harold Koontz
C Peter F. Drucker
D Lawrence Appley
Q.No: 73 Who assumed two basic assumptions about people and their approach of work- Theory X and Theory Y.
A Elton Mayo
B Mary Parker
C C. I .Bernard
D Douglas Mc Gregor
Q.No: 74 Who has coined the term " Documentation"?
A S. R. Ranganathan
B Calvin Moors
C Paul Otlet
D Mikhailov
Q.No: 75 The Farmington plan is associated with _______?
A Library Legislation
B Library Cataloguing
C Library Cooperation
D Library Indexing
Q.No: 76 Point odd one out -
A Cow-Calf principle
B Principle of Osmosis
C Wall picture principle
D Whole organ principle
Q.No: 77 "Fair use" is a term most relevant to __________?
A Intellectual Property Rights
B Copyright
C Book borrowed for home reading
D Use of reference Books
Q.No: 78 Which one is not a network protocol ?
D Z39.50
Q.No: 79 "Universal Bibliographic Control" is a program of ___________.
Q.No: 80 POP stands for ______________?
A Print Office Protocol
B Post Office Protocol
C Pre Office Protocol
D Post Object Protocol
Q.No: 81 Which one is not an open source software ?
A Green Stone Digital library
B NewGenLib
C Drupal
D Libsuite
Q.No: 82 Presently 'Web of Science' is a product of ________.
A Clarivate
B ProQuest
C Thomson Reuters
D Elsevier
Q.No: 83 'Million Book Project' was initiated by__________.
A Pittsburg University
C Michigan University
D Carnegie Mellon University
Q.No: 84 Who holds the copyright of the 'Five Laws of Library Science' reprinted in 2006.
B Ess Ess Publications
D Madras University
Q.No: 85 What is the periodicity of 'DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology' ?
A Monthly
B Bi - Monthly
C Quarterly
D Half yearly
Q.No: 86 Name the Online version of 'McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology'
A Access Science
B Mc Graw Hill online
C Online Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
D Science Online
Q.No: 87 'World of Learning' is published from
A London
B Chicago
C Paris
D New York
Q.No: 88 'INFLIBNET Newsletter' started its publishing from _________.
A 1995
B 1996
C 1997
D 1998
Q.No: 89 Phoenix schedule is related to which classification scheme ?
Q.No: 90 First edition of Encyclopedia Britannica was published in __________ volumes
A 3
B 4
C 5
D 6
Q.No: 91 In which year 'Indian Science Abstracts' started publishing?
A 1964
B 1965
C 1968
D 1971
Q.No: 92 Who is the author of the book "Guide to Reference Material"?
A L.R.McColvin
B A.J.Walford
C D.J.Foskett
D E.J.Coates
Q.No: 93 Which one is the Government of India's cloud?
A Meghraj
B Megha
C Badal
D Digital Ocean
Q.No: 94 E-Granthalaya is developed by __________.
Q.No: 95 Which one is not a plagiarism software ?
A Urkund
B Plagiary
C Turnit In
D ET Blast
Q.No: 96 Who has promoted the Helical model of Communication?
A David Berlo
B Shanon - Weaver
C F.Dance
D Aristotle
Q.No: 97 Which one is not a Dublin Core metadata element ?
A Creator
B Place
C Type
D Identifier
Q.No: 98 Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) was established by ICAR in ___________.
A July, 2007
B November, 2007
C July, 2009
D November, 2009
Q.No: 99 Which character is used for "intra-array difference" phase relation in CC-6?
A t
B u
C w
D y
Q.No: 100 In CC '-' (hyphen) is used to apply which device ?
A Alphabetical device
B Super imposition device
C Enumeration device
D Subject device
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Q.No: 101 "Recto" is used for which side of the page of a book ?
A Right side
B Left side
C Upper side
D Lower side
Q.No: 102 In DDC 23rd edition, which table is for "National and Ethnic Groups"?
A Table 3
B Table 4
C Table 5
D Table 6
Q.No: 103 On which date Dr. Ranganathan died ?
A 27 August
B 27 September
C 27 October
D 27 July
Q.No: 104 The name of the central library of Dr.H.S.Gaur University is __________
A Mahatma Gandhi Library
B Gaur Library
C Jawaharlal Nehru Library
D Indira Gandhi Library
Q.No: 105 Maulana Azad Central Library of Bhopal was housed in the present building in the year _________
A 1908
B 1909
C 1955
D 1964
Q.No: 106 Who is the present Director (library) in M.P.Vidhan Sabha Secretariat?
A P.N.Vishwakarma
B Puneet srivastava
C Manoj saxena
D V.D.Goyal
Q.No: 107 "Indian Library Review" is a blog hosted by_______.
A Indian Library Association
C National Library
Q.No: 108 Out of all five parts of an ISBN number, which part represents the publisher of the book?
A First
B Second
C Third
D Fourth
Q.No: 109 Who is the present Chairman of Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation ?
A Brij Kishore Sharma
B P. Jayarajan
C A.K.Chakravarthy
D Chakradhar Tripathi
Q.No: 110 "Dharmaganja" was the name of the library of which University/Monastry ?
A Vikramshila
B Odantapuri
C Nalanda
D Somapuri
Q.No: 111 The "Indore General Library" was founded in the year -
A 1854
B 1856
C 1866
D 1872
Q.No: 112 Who was the first Librarian of the National Library of independent India?
A A.K. Mukherjee
B B.S.Kesavan
C G.R.Ekbote
D R.L.Mittal
Q. No: 113 What is the frequency of Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) ?
A Weekly
B Fortnightly
C Monthly
D Quarterly
Q.No: 114 Who dissected entire knowledge into Poetry, History and Law ?
A Aristotle
B Francis Bacon
C August Comte
D Herbert Spencer
Q.No: 115 NALANDA is the Digital Library initiative of _____
B National Library of India
C N.I.T., Calicut
Q.No: 116 Which among the following is not a Normative Principle ?
A Basic Laws
B Fundamental Laws
C Canon
D Law of Interpretation
Q.No: 117 In CC-6th ed., the letter 'n' is an ACI, represents which of the following ?
A Periodical
B Serial
C Conference
D Biography
Q.No: 118 The Classaurus is a Vocabulary Control tool, developed by Bhattacharya and it is used in ________.
A Pre coordinate Indexing
B Post coordinate Indexing
C Both (Pre coordinate Indexing & Post coordinate Indexing)
D None of these
Q.No: 119 What relates the ability of a system not to retrieve non relevant documents ?
A Recall
B Precision
C Fallout
D Generality
Q.No: 120 The term "Library warrant" was first enunciated by _______.
A S.R.Ranganathan
B W.A. Katz
C E.W.Hulme
D Paul Otlet
Q.No: 121: Arrange following in Chronological order of their origin
1. Bibliographic Classification
2. Colon Classification
3. Subject Classification
4. Universal Decimal Classification
A 1,2,3,4
B 4,3,2,1
C 3,4,1,2
D 2,1,4,3
Q.No: 122 The content of MARC record is divided in how many variable fields ?
A One
B Two
C Three
D Four
Q.No: 123 Who was the Chairman of National Policy on Library & Information System (NAPLIS)
A D.P.Chattopadhyaya
B P.V.Narsimha Rao
C Y.S.Das वाई.एस.
D Krishna Shahi
Q.No: 124 A method used to establish a subject similarity between two documents is called?
A Citation Analysis
B Co-citation coupling
C Bibliographic coupling
D Bibliographic Analysis
Q.No: 125: Arrange the following according to dictionary arrangement as "word by word" -
1. Called
2. Call
3. Call Letter
4. Calling
A 4,1,2,3
B 2,3,1,4
C 1,4,3,2
D 3,2,4,1
Q.No: 126 21st edition of "Sear's List of Subject Headings" was published by_____________.
A H.W.Wilson
B ProQuest
C Bloomsbury
D Dundurn Press
Q.No: 127 ORCID is associated with -
A Article metrics
B Author metrics
C All metrics
D Journal metrics
Q.No: 128 Informal Self education is possible in which kind of Library ?
A Public Library
B College Library
C Special Library
D School Library
Q.No: 129 The oldest library association in the world is _______.
A American Library Association
C China Library Association
D L.A.
Q.No: 130 'Rules for Dictionary Catalogue' was devised by_________.
A A.Pannizi
B C.C.Jewet
C S.Lubetzky
D C.A.Cutter
Q.No: 131 What is the frequency of INB ?
A Weekly
B Monthly
C Quarterly
D Annual
Q.No: 132 Who Propounded the term "Information Transfer" ?
A S.R.Ranganathan
B J.Martin
C Beesman
D Calvin Moores
Q.No: 133 Who was the first editor of the journal "Library Herald" ?
A S.Bashiruddin
B P.N.Kaula
C M.A.Gopinath
D B.S.Kesavan
Q.No: 134 Who is the publisher of the journal "Philosophical Transactions"?
A Royal Society of London
B Elsevier
C Oxford University Press
D ProQuest
Q.No: 135 The Journal "Library Science with a Slant to Documentation" is now known as __________.
A SRELS Journal of Information Management
B Library Herald
C Journal of ILA
D PEARL : A Journal of Library & Information Science
Q.No: 136 Bradford's "Law of Scattering" is further examined by _________.
A J.Mills
B B.C.Vickery
C D.J.Foskett
D Allen Kent
Q.No: 137 For Fulfilling which Law of Library Science, we write class number on catalogue cards by pencil?
A First law
B Second law
C Third law
D Fifth law
Q.No: 138 In 2005,Jorge E.Hirsch has suggested it as a tool for assessing relative quality?
A h-Index
B g-Index
C R-Index
D Impact factor
Q.No: 139 Which one is not a Dublin Core metadata element ?
A Title
B Format
C Relation
D Focus
Q.No: 140 What is the full form of RDA ?
A Resource Documentation and Access
B Resource Delivery and Access
C Resource Description and Access
D Research and Documentation Activity
Q.No: 141 UGC-INFLIBNET Centre is situated at ____________.
A Gandhinagar
B Ahmedabad
C Delhi
D Gurugram
Q.No: 142 Which type of formation of subject is 'Biotechnology' ?
A Fission
B Fusion
C Clustering
D Lamination
Q.No: 143 Who was ILA President at the time of 'IFLA World Library Congress' at Delhi ?
A P.B. Mangla
B Krishan Kumar
C C.P.Vashishtha
D P.N. Kaula
Q.No: 144 Who is the editor of "Granthalaya Vigyan"?
A S.P.Sood
B D.V.Singh
C Ramesh Gaur
D Shabahat Husain
Q.No: 145 The building of Government Ahilya Central Library of Indore is also known as __________.
A Peeli Kothi
B Safed Kothi
C Harten House
D Vinoba Bave Bhawan
Q.No: 146 Who designated Dr.Ranganathan as the "Father of Library Science in India"__________.
A Mahatma Gandhi
B S.Radhakrishnan
C Jawaharlal Nehru
D Maurice Gwyer
Q.No: 147 Who was the teacher of Dr.Ranganathan in London ?
A J.D.Brown
B H.E.Bliss
C W.C.B.Sayers
D A.Pannizi
Q.No: 148 Who Coined the term "Information Retrieval"?
A Faradane
B C.Mooers
C Lancaster
D D.J.Foskett
Q.No: 149 Section 52 of the Copyright Act,1957(India) deals with ______.
A Copyright Societies
B Certain acts not to be infringement of copyright
C Compulsory License for benefit of disabled
D Remedies
Q.No: 150 United Nations has declared the decade 2003-2012 as ________.
A Decade of Family Farming
B Human Rights Education
C Literary decade: Education for All
D Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
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Q.No: 151 Which of the following is not a product and service of OCLC ?
A Worldcat
B Web Junction
C Dewey Services
D Facet Publishing
Q.No: 152 'The best reading, for the largest number at the least cost' is the motto of ________
Q.No: 153 Which of the following is not a recommendation of "National Knowledge Commission Report to the nation 2006-2009" regarding Libraries
A Set up a National Commission on Libraries
B Prepare a National Census of all Libraries
C Set up a Central Library Fund
D Set up a Consortium for all Libraries
Q.No: 154 'Tree of Porphyre' is related to :
A Decachotomy
B Polychotomy
C Dichotomy
D Proliferation
Q.No: 155 : Which of the following Table is having the provision of 'Table of Precedence' according to DDC (19th edition)
A Table 1
B Table 3
C Table 4
D Table 6
Q.No: 156 Method of OSMOSIS is related with:
A Reclassification
B Method of Cataloguing
C Indexing Technique
D Method of Circulation
Q.No: 157 OAI-PMH stands for ________.
A Open Access Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
B Online Access Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
C Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
D Open Archives Institution Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
Q.No: 158 Who was the Nobel prize winner among the following ?
A Melvil Dewey
B S.R.Ranganathan
C Paul Otlet
D Henry La Fontaine
Q.No: 159 Library Classification, "it is the translation of name of the subject of a book into a preferred artificial language of ordinal numbers" said by__________.
A Melvil Dewey
B H.E.Bliss
C W.C.B.Sayers
D S.R.Ranganathan
Q.No: 160 In Cataloguing 'Sine loco' means __________.
A Without year
B Without binding
C Without name
D Without Place
Q.No: 161 According to S.R.Ranganathan 'Patent' comes under the....... category.
A Conventional documents
B Neo -Conventional documents
C Non- Conventional documents
D Meta-Documents
Q.No: 162 In MARC 21 Tag 250 is associated with the field:
A Edition
C Personal Name
D Physical Description
Q.No: 163 W3C was founded in MIT by whom?
A David Eddy
B Ross Anderson
C Tim Berners Lee
D Bob Bemer
Q.No: 164 Who had invited Dr.S.R.Ranganathan to write a monograph on the Philosophy of library classification?
A Melvil Dewey
B Jean Anker
C P.N.Kaula
D WCB Sayers
Q.No: 165 Who was the Chairman of Education Commission (1964-66)in India ?
A S.Radhakrishnan
B D.S.Kothari
C S.R.Ranganathan
D Yash Pal
Q.No: 166 Fungus grows when humidity is __________.
A Between 10-20 Percent
B Between 20-30 Percent
C Below 40 Percent
D Above 70 Percent
Q.No: 167 'Hierarchy of needs' theory is given by________.
A Mc Gregor
B Frederic Skinner
C Abraham H.Maslow
D William James
Q.No: 168 Books/Monographs Published within a series can have _______.
A Only an ISBN
B Only an ISSN
D Both an ISSN and an ISBN
Q.No: 169 'Fishbone diagram' is also known as
A Cause and effect diagram
B Data model diagram
C Eye diagram
D Radial diagram
Q.No: 170 'Histogram' was first described by
A S.R.Ranganathan
B Kaoru Ishikawa
C Karl Pearson
D Vilfredo Pareto
Q.No: 171 Planning, Programming Budgeting System (PPBS) was elaborated by ________.
A Library of Congress(USA)
B Rand Corporation (USA)
Q.No: 172 'Seven Pillars of Information Literacy' was introduced by__________.
B Berkowitz
Q.No: 173 which of the following is not a service/Product of NISCAIR?
A Climate change Informatics
B Science Citation Index
C The Wealth of India
D National Science Library
Q.No: 174 Indian standard 'IS 15339:2003' is related with _________.
A Public Library : Guidelines
B Academic Library : Guidelines
C Special Library : Guidelines
D School Library : Guidelines
Q.No: 175 Vidya - Mitra is an
A Online learning Portal for all the e-content projects developed under the NME - ICT
B State of art integrated library management system
C A gateway to all post graduate courses
D Expert database
Q.No: 176 When SOUL 2.0 was released ?
A January 2009
B January 2010
C July 2011
D October 2012
Q.No: 177 'Conservative, moderate and liberal' theories of reference service are given by_______.
A S.R.Ranganathan
B James I Wyer
C Krishan Kumar
D Samuel Rothstein
Q.No: 178 'One Drive' is operated by
A Alphabet
B Microsoft
C Google
D Whatsapp
Q.No: 179 'Linked In' is a _______
A Online Multiplayer gaming
B Only Video hosting service
C Library Management service
D Social Network Service
Q.No: 180 'SKYPE' is a
A Antivirus Software
B Library automation software
C Operating system
D Telecommunications application software
Q.No: 181 'Botnet' is a
A A software used to edit blogs
B Library Management Software
C Social Media Service
D A network of hijacked computers, that are controlled remotely
Q.No: 182 ISO 2709: 2008 is an international standard for :
A Quality Management
B Information Security Management
C Data and Time format
D Information and Documentation format for Information Exchange
Q.No: 183 'A Piece of program code, that spreads by making copies of itself' is an _______.
A Virus
B File format
C E-Mail
D Bandwidth
Q.No: 184 'Cryptography' is related with _______.
A Research Design
B Library Classification
C Information Security
Q.No: 185 'Google scholar' is a
A TQM tool
B Library management software
C Scholarly database
D Instant messaging service
Q.No: 186 'Web Junction' is a program of ________.
A Library of Congress
Q.No: 187 Ontology deals with:
A Study of action
B Studies on information processing
C Study of art
D Nature of existance
Q.No: 188 'Moodle' is a
B Library Management System
C Electronic Library System
D Course Management System
Q.No: 189 Which of the following is an Indian news, information and shopping web portal ?
A Yandex
B Rediff
C Naver
Q.No: 190 arXiv is a
A Repository of electronic preprints of scientific papers
B Instant messaging service
C File extension
D Video hosting service
Q.No: 191 The Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) was created by _______.
A University of Nebraska
C E-Prints at University of Southampton
D China National Knowledge Infrastructure
Q.No: 192 Digital Library initiative 'Granth Sanjeevani' is announced by__________.
B The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
C Connemara Public Library, Chennai
D National Library of India
Q.No: 193 'Infistats' is developed by _______.
B National Library of India
Q.No: 194 'Double - blind review' means ___________.
A Reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers and vice - versa
B Review is done two times
C Only Reviewer identity is concealed
D Only author identity is concealed
Q.No: 195 Which one is not a product of ProQuest?
A Ebray
C Dialog
Q.No: 196 In research 'Pilot studies' is needed to __________.
A Select the topic / Problem
B Test the Instrument
C Review the Literature
D Compile the bibliography
Q.No: 197 "Using exactly the same words as were used originally" is called?
A Verbatim
B Paraphrase
C Summary
D Bibliography
Q.No: 198 "A detailed alphabetical list of topics, names of persons, places etc. mentioned in a book" is called?
A Footnote
B Index
C Endnote
D Bibliography
Q.No: 199 In academic writings , 'supra' denotes :
A Above
B Below
C No publisher is given
D No Place is given
Q.No: 200 Kinesics communication means
A Sense of touch
B Use of interpersonal space
C Use of instruments in communication
D Facial expression, eye movement
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