(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2024 Agriculture (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2024 Agriculture (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2024  Agriculture (Paper I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours

खण्ड 'A' SECTION ‘A’ 

1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :10 × 5 = 50

1. (a) Briefly discuss the principles of agro-ecology. 
1. (b) What are the factors responsible for low production and productivity of pulses in India? Discuss strategies adopted for enhancing the pulse production and productivity. 
1. (c) Describe the objectives of social forestry. Write down the plant species suitable for social forestry. 
1. (d) Discuss the cultural methods of weed control. 
1. (e) What are the two steps of nitrification and enlist micro-organisms responsible for each ? Write down the importance of nitrification. 

2. (a) Write down the physical environmental factors affecting the crop production. Discuss the effects of changing rainfall pattern on crop production in India. 
2. (b) Describe the improved cultivation practices of Chickpea under the following heads:
(i) Improved varieties 
(ii) Seed rate and row to row spacing 
(iii) Nutrient management 
(iv) Weed management 
(v) Insect-pest and disease management 

2. (c) Discuss about the cropping patterns of Middle Gangetic Plain and Western Plateau and hills. 

3. (a) What is the Arnon and Stout (1939) criteria for plant nutrient essentiality ? Give account of forms of each essential plant nutrient element absorbed by plants. 
3. (b) What do you mean by Forest products? Write about the value added products from forest. 20 
3. (c) Give account of soil fertility evaluation techniques. Enlist the points to be considered along with soil test values for fertiliser dose recommendation. 

4. (a) Explain the term conventional and conservation tillage. Give account of their comparative effects on soil properties and green house gas emissions. 
4. (b) Discuss the Remote sensing system used for ecosystem analysis. Briefly discuss the use of Remote sensing for drought monitoring. 
4. (c) Describe in detail about the weed control measures in Black Gram and Sesame. 

खण्ड 'B' SECTION 'B' 

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10 × 5 = 50

5. (a) Write down the principles involved in Integrated Watershed Management. Briefly discuss the relevance of Integrated Watershed Management under climate change scenario.
5. (b) Explain the term irrigation scheduling. Elaborate the criteria IW/CPE ratio of irrigation scheduling along with its merits and demerits. 
5.(c) Briefly discuss the price instability and its types. Write down the measurements for price instability. 
5. (d) Give the account of new tools and methods used in agricultural extension. 
5. (e) It is proposed to give four ( 4 ) irrigations to six ( 6 ) hectare area of wheat crop. Depth of each irrigation is 60mm, which will be given with a pump of discharge @ 5 litre / second. Find out the duration (in days) of pump operation to discharge the required quantity of water.

6. (a) Briefly discuss the crop management practices for stabilising yield in dryland areas. Enlist 20 the crops with their characteristics suitable for dryland agriculture. 
6. (b) Discuss the changes in irrigated area through different sources of irrigation in India since independence. Classify the irrigation projects based on cultivable command area, purpose served and financial return. 
6. (c) Describe the five steps of effective extension education process as per Leagans (1967).

7. (a) Discuss the chronological developments of National Extension System of India after independence.
7. (b) Briefly discuss the decisions involved in Farm management. Write down the principles applied in Farm management. 
7.(c) Justify the statement that Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is playing vital role in solving location specific problems and transfer of technologies in agriculture. 

8. (a) Explain different types of farming. Discuss the factors affecting types of farming.
8. (b) Explain the term water use efficiency in relation to crop production. Discuss the role of pressurised irrigation methods to achieve the objectives of more crop per drop 20 programme. 
8. (c) Briefly discuss the factors affecting soil erosion. Write down the agronomic measures for soil conservation. 

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