(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2024 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2024 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-1)
Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2024 ANTHROPOL0GY (Paper I)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
खण्ड - A / SECTION —A
1.Write notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10×5=50
(a) Attributes of culture
(b) Harappan maritime trade
(c) Critical perspective on avoidance and joking relationship
(d) Lethal and sublethal genes
(e) Hemoglobin in health and disease
2. (a) Discuss historical particularism as a critical development to the classical evolutionism.
(b) Describe the evidences of food production and domestication of animals with special reference to Mehrgarh. Throw light on its significance.
(c) Critically comment on the lifestyle diseases and their impact on human health.
3. (a) What is meant by karyotype? How does its analysis help in diagnosis of the chromosomal aberrations in man?
(b) Define urbanization and discuss its impact on family in India with examples.
(c) Discuss the contemporary challenges in fieldwork method in anthropological research.
4. (a) Critically discuss the characteristics of the psychological types in the cultures of the American South-West as observed by Ruth Benedict.
(b) Discuss the Acheulian and Oldowan traditions of Indian Paleolithic cultures with suitable illustrations.
(c) What is genetic counselling? Briefly discuss various steps involved in it.
खण्ड - B / SECTION — B
5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each :10 × 5 = 50
(a) Chronometric dating
(b) Cultural relevance of the Kula
(c) Heritability and its estimation
(d) Authority and forms of political organization
(e) Single-gene mutation disorders in man
6. (a) Discuss the geographical distribution of Homo erectus. Taking into account its physical features, where does it fit in human evolutionary line?
(b) Discuss the applications of forensic anthropology with suitable examples.
(c) How does Lévi-Strauss look at the Tsimshian myth of Asdiwal? Critically discuss Lévi-Strauss' theory of structuralism in the light of his study of mythologies.
7. (a) Critically explain the notion of 'deconstruction' in the light of the postmodern works of Jacques Derrida.
(b) What is a multifactorial trait? Illustrate your answer with suitable human examples.
(c) Discuss the applicability of various sampling techniques in selecting the study group.
8. (a) Examine critically the concept of social stratification as a basis for sustaining social inequality.
(b) Describe the genetics and inheritance patterns of the ABO and Rh blood groups in man.
(c) Critically discuss the synergistic effect of biological and cultural factors in human evolution.