Public Administration Mains 2018 : Solved Paper Public Administration : Paper-1-Question-3
Public Administration Mains 2018 : Solved Paper Question Paper-1 (Question-3)
Q3. (a) Communication represents the “Nerves of Government" (Karl Deutsch). How can the communication system in the government be made more effective, responsive and motivational? (AdministrativeBehaviour)
Answer: Communication represents an important function of government, responsible for improving three principle elements of government: effectiveness, responsiveness, and motivational. Government communication is more than just developing effective spokespeople, it also involves the provision of customer oriented services, and building capacity for citizens to provide government with feedback as regards these services. Effective public communication efforts enable citizen participation.
It is important to understand that neglecting to provide information to the public represents a serious impediment to governance, and underscoring the benefits of improved government communication has a strong multiplier effect.
External communication can have a disciplining and motivating impact on policy work and help coordinate communication within governments, because consistent internal information is required to communicate efficiently and effectively with external audiences.