Public Administration Mains 2018 : Solved Paper Public Administration : Paper-2-Question-7
Public Administration Mains 2018 : Solved Paper Question Paper-2 (Question-7)
Q7. a. “Rural development programmes have failed to effectively address the problems of small and marginal farmers.” Analyse and give suggestions. (Rural Development)
ANSWER: The important agricultural development programmes bringing green revolution strategy like Intensive Agricultural Area Development Programme (IADP) and High Yield Varieties Programme (HYVP) were implemented in the country. It is observed that, the benefits accrued only to the rich and progressive peasants . Landless and agricultural labourers were left untouched. ‘Integrated Rural Development Programme’ (IRDP) was conceived. The programme has been in operation since 1978-79 and has been made the centerpiece of the anti-poverty strategy in the Sixth Five Year Plan. IRDP is regarded as a multi-level, multi-sector and multi-section concept of rural development. As a multi-level concept, it encompasses rural development at various levels such as viable cluster of village communities, districts and blocks. As a multi-sector concept, it embraces development in various sectors and sub-sectors of the rural areas such as agriculture, industry, education, health and transportation etc. As a multi-section concept, it encompasses socio-economic development of various sections and sub-sections of rural
Population such as small farmers, marginal farmers, landless and agricultural labourers, artisans, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. ‘Swamajayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana’, which has replaced the earlier programmes like IRDP, TRYSEM, etc. It is a single self-employment programme for the rural poor. In addition to this to mitigate unemployment problem prevailing in the rural economy, the Government of India has launched ‘Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme’. Due attention has been given to develop rural infrastructure and rural health. Gram Sadak Yojan and National Rural Health Mission are the other important programmes in existence under this plan.