UPSC MAINS TOPIC WISE PAPER : Science and Technology
UPSC MAINS TOPIC WISE PAPER : Science and Technology
- What do you understand by nanotechnology and how is it helping in health sector? (UPSC 2020)
- COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented devastation worldwide. However, technological advancements are being availed readily to win over the crisis. Give an account of how technology was sought to aid management of the pandemic. (UPSC 2020)
- Describe the benefits of deriving electric energy from sunlight in contrast to the conventional energy generation. What are the initiatives offered by our Government for this purpose? (UPSC 2020)
- Why is there so much activity in the field of biotechnology in our country? How has this activity benefitted the field of biopharma? (UPSC 2018)
- Stem cell therapy is gaining popularity in India to treat a wide variety of medical conditions including Leukemia, Thalassemia, damaged cornea and several burns. Describe briefly what stem cell therapy is and what advantages it has over other treatments? (UPSC 2017)
- What do you understand by 'Standard Positioning Systems' and 'Protection Positioning Systems'in the GPS era? Discuss the advantages India perceives from its ambitious IRNSS programme employing just seven satellites.(UPSC 2015)
- What are the areas of prohibitive labour that can be sustainably managed by robots? Discuss the initiatives that can propel research in premier research institutes for substantive and gainful innovation.(UPSC 2015)
- Discuss the advantage and security implications of cloud hosting of servers vis-a-vis in-house machine-based hosting for government businesses.(UPSC 2015)
- India's Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) which has a database containing formatted information on more than 2 million medicinal formulations is proving a powerful weapon in the country's fight against erroneous patents. Discuss the pros and cons making this database publicly available under open-source licensing.(UPSC 2015)
- Scientific research in Indian universities is declining, because a career in science is not as attractive as our business operations, engineering or administration, and the universities are becoming consumer oriented. Critically comment. (UPSC 2014)
- Can overuse and the availability of antibiotics without doctor's prescription, the contributors to the emergence of drug-resistant diseases in India? What are the available mechanisms for monitoring and control? Critically discuss the various issues involved.(UPSC 2014)
- In a globalised world, intellectual property rights assume significance and are a source of litigation. Broadly distinguish between the terms - copyrights, patents and trade secrets.(UPSC 2014)
- Bring out the circumstances in 2005 which forced amendment to section 3(d) in the Indian Patent Law, 1970. Discuss how it has been utilized by Supreme court in its judgment rejecting Novartis patent application for "Glivec". Discuss briefly the pros and cons of the decision.(UPSC 2013)
- What do you understand by fixed dose drug combinations (FDCs)? Discuss their merits and demerits.(UPSC 2013)
- What do you understand by Umpire decision review in cricket? Discuss its various components. Explain how silicon tape on the edge of a bat may fool the system?(UPSC 2013)
- What is digital signature? What does its authentication mean? Giver various salient built in features of a digital signature.(UPSC 2013)
- How does the 3D printing technology work? List out the advantages and disadvantages of the technology.(UPSC 2013)
- What is an FRP composite material? How are they manufactured? Discuss their applications in aviation and automobile industry.(UPSC 2013)
- The safe landing of the "Curiosity" Rover under NASA's space programme has sparked many possibilities. What are those and how could humankind benefit from them?(UPSC 2012)
- Significance of the SPOT-6 rocket launch for ISRO. (UPSC 2012)
- The Sequoia supercomputer was launched this year. What are its specific features and what is its purpose?(UPSC 2012)
- The human population is slated to grow to 9 billion by 2050. In this context, many scientists predict that plant genomics would play a critical rule in keeping out hunger and preserving the environment. Explain.(UPSC 2012)
- Comment on any thirteen of the following in about 50 words each:(UPSC 2011)
- (a) International Year of Chemistry
- (b) The scourge of e-waste
- (c) 'Designer' poultry eggs
- (d) INSPIRE programme of the Department of Science and Technology
- (e) The 'Kessler syndrome' with reference to space debris
- (f) Omega-3 fatty acids in our food
- (g) Difference between 'spin-dyring' and 'tumble-drying' technology with reference to drying of washed clothes
- (h) The diminishing population of vultures 'Arensic-bug' and the significance of its discovery
- (i) F ? 22 'Raptor' aircraft
- (j) 'Concentrated' solar energy and 'photovoltaic' solar energy
- (k) Analog, hybrid and IP systems in CCTV technology
- (l) Various applications of Kevlar
- (m) Differences between Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) and Blu-ray Disc
UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit (GS I + GS II + GS III + GS IV)
Printed Study Material for IAS (UPSC) : General Studies PRE Cum MAINS
Courtesy: UPSC