GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Analyse the impact of globalisation on lives of women in India and around the world. Comment
GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Analyse the impact of globalisation on lives of women in India and around the world. Comment
Q. Analyse the impact of globalisation on lives of women in India and around the world . Comment
Model Answer:
Analyse the impact of globalisation on lives of women in India and around the world.
It can be analysed in two aspects positive and negative.
Positive aspects:
a) Inclusion of gender budgeting.
b) women are more aware of their rights,liberty,freedom and entitilements than
c) women as pressure groups have helped formulate progressive legislations like
dowry prohibition act,domestive violence act,vishakha guidelines,sexual
harrasment laws and rt to property leading to their empowerment,
d) Women were able to break the shackles of the patriarchal society to a large
extent, after being educated and made aware of their rights, to stop female
infanticide and foeticide
e) Social restrictions of caste system have faded away with secularisation of
a) Commodification of women,pornography,vulgar reality shows have led to
increasing gender violence,molestation,harrasment,rapes and dowry deaths
b) increasing globalisation has led to increased competition leading to
feminization of poverty and less hold over in agriculture in
c) Gender discrimination still exists in economic sector, with women being payed
lesser then their male counterparts for similar work
d) feminisatation of poverty : because of multiplier affects of poverty. it is
the crime of worst nature.
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