GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Describe the impact of casteism upon the Indian electoral system. Comment
GS Mains Model Question & Answer : Describe the impact of casteism upon the Indian electoral system. Comment
Q. Describe the impact of casteism upon the Indian electoral system. Comment
Model Answer:
Describe the impact of casteism upon the Indian electoral system.
Caste began to play an important role after independence as its involvement in
politics increased. The fact that it existed as easily identifiable social
cluster of people made it an easy object of political mobilization by political
parties in their quest for political support and votes. While the political
parties sought to exploit caste for its own electoral purposes, caste groups by
making politics their sphere of activity got a chance to assert their identity
and bargain for benefits and position in society. Thus, caste and politics
interaction has been a two-way process.
In politicizing the castes, the caste associations played a crucial role. Caste
associations were quasi-voluntary associations in the sense that its membership
was open only to the individuals of the caste community. These associations were
formed to secure economic benefits or educational openings or for more clearly
political purpose of uniting to fight the hegemony of the upper castes. In
either case, involvement in politics was considered necessary for securing the
specific purpose for which they were formed. Thus, once formed on the basis of
caste identity, caste associations went on to acquire non-caste functions. In
electoral politics the role of the caste in politics has become powerful. This
can be seen at all levels of the political process of the country. All political
parties tend to give party ticket to candidates for contesting elections from
amongst the numerically or otherwise dominant caste in every constituency. Major
caste groups get representation in the council of ministers. Be it elections,
political appointments or even formation of political parties, caste has been
the major consideration.
The influence of caste, however, varies depending upon the level of election and
the region. Its influence is far more at the local and state-level political
process than at the national level. Caste plays greater role in the rural than
in urban areas. In the rural areas and at the local level, the smallness of
consituency and the fact that there is greater face to face interactions account
for the strong influence of caste in politics. Since independence two factors
have especially brought the issue of caste in Indian politics into sharp focus.
These are
(1) the introduction of universal adult franchise and
(2) the
constitutional provisions for protective discrimination in favour of the
backward classes.
The introduction of universal adult franchise brought a very large section of the populace, who had been hitherto excluded on account of property qualification to vote, into the arena of electoral politics. This made the task of mobilizing votes enormously difficult for the political parties. The daunting task was, however, made easy when political parties relied upon castes to get their votes. In the process castes’ involvement in politics deepened with every election in India,
In addition to the enlarged arena of electoral politics, the constitutional
provisions for protective discrimination also provided the ground for castes to
play a significant role in politics.
One may note here that protective discrimination was meant for three categories
of people - the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the OBC —
collectively called as the backward classes. Of these three categories, the SCs
and STs were easily identifiable and-there was a large measure of consensus on
the need and the desireability of having reservations for them. But the case of
the OBCs was different.
Since Independence two types of caste politics can be discerned. The first type
involved the caste groups clamouring either for being recognised as OBC by the
state governments or those already recognised for getting a higher quota in the
reservations. The decision of the State governments to appoint Backward classes
Commission from time to time provided the occasion for such caste politics to
The second type of caste politics, involved mobilization of social and political
forces for and against reservations for the OBC based solely on caste criteria.
The extent of castes involvement in politics can be appreciated by noting a
simple fact that over 50% of the populace belong to the category of the OBCs.
While the first type of caste politics sought to influence the reservation
policy of the state government, the second type of caste politics was aimed to
resist the reservation policy of the central government.
The reservation issue thus, provided a fertile ground for castes to play an
active role in politics.
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